RAMEWF from XPeFiles



slobodon ,
I have tried to use your component at XPe Files, a few weeks back but then i got many errors. I didnt try to see what was wrong because i saw a microsoft article on the same subject and created my own component based on that. It was simple and also it was successful in Establishing EWF on my CF, which was non-fixed. My job was done at that time.

But then i see that you have been referring to that component to many devs. So i assume i have sone some mistake. So i want some info from you ,,

1. In the group memberships you used a CATEGORY and a PACKAGE. They doesnt matter. But you used another member which is not recognised in my CD. This is causing errors when i try to import to the database. What could be wrong ?? and what is it exactly ?

2. You used 3 files. Which are anyway added to the configuration with the other EWF components that we add, EWF, EWF mgr App., EWF NTLDR. Then why did you add them in your component ?

3. Can you explain why do we need to include the components "Class Installer - Storage volumes","Disk Management Basic Volume Runtime","Primitive: umpnpmgr" and the Group "Loader" in our configuration. And also the build order dependencies and resources.

4. And also the value for the registry entrie "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}","UpperFilters" is "Split("EWF?" & Join(CurrValue,"?"),"?")". Even this is causing errors. Also, you didnt use the registry entry "ARCname".

thanks anyway ,
Vaddina Prakash Rao

Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)

Hi Prakash,

Do you have XPe SP1?
Did you installed QFE 823025?

2. They are not added by any other component since in doc I think that I
have explicitly said that you should remove component from TD.
- remove "Enhanced Write Filter - Hotfix Q823025"
- also remove "Enhanced Write Filter API - Hotfix Q818822" from TD.

Component like you said contains these files because it is replacement for
these components. Also I have removed one dll used for creating EWF volume
as you can see.

I don't understand you would rather not to have these components?
Few other dependencies should be there as well beside these for EWF to work.

This is taken from MS EWF QFE 823025 component and I have modified script
file a little. Script will fill registry using value that you can provide in
property ProtectedPartitionArcName located in Advanced properties.

I really have no idea why your TD complains so much on this component.

If you don't want to use this component you can always follow doc file I
provided how to do it yourself.

Sorry, please let me know if you have more questions I would like to know
why it is not working for you.


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prakash437 said:
slobodon ,,
I have tried to use your component at XPe Files, a few weeks back but then
i got many errors. I didnt try to see what was wrong because i saw a
microsoft article on the same subject and created my own component based on
that. It was simple and also it was successful in Establishing EWF on my CF,
which was non-fixed. My job was done at that time.
But then i see that you have been referring to that component to many
devs. So i assume i have sone some mistake. So i want some info from you ,,
1. In the group memberships you used a CATEGORY and a PACKAGE. They doesnt
matter. But you used another member which is not recognised in my CD. This
is causing errors when i try to import to the database. What could be wrong
?? and what is it exactly ??
2. You used 3 files. Which are anyway added to the configuration with the
other EWF components that we add, EWF, EWF mgr App., EWF NTLDR. Then why did
you add them in your component ??
3. Can you explain why do we need to include the components "Class
Installer - Storage volumes","Disk Management Basic Volume
Runtime","Primitive: umpnpmgr" and the Group "Loader" in our configuration.
And also the build order dependencies and resources.
4. And also the value for the registry entrie
D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}","UpperFilters" is "Split("EWF?" &
Join(CurrValue,"?"),"?")". Even this is causing errors. Also, you didnt use
the registry entry "ARCname".


Do you have XPe SP1
Did you installed QFE 823025

Well , I have installed this QFE. Anyway i will reinstall it and try to see if it works this time ,,

And coming to the component dependencies, I understand that you want to stress on the importance of those components in the configuration. Are these components related to EWF in anyway ?? I (only) guess these components are required to run any basic image irrespective of EWF.

And one last thing. Ofcourse its not very important. What is the need for all this when we could do it so simply, with only a few registry entries ?

I will let you know what happened ,

Vaddina prakash Rao

Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)


And coming to the component dependencies, I understand that you want to
stress on the importance of those components in the configuration. Are these
components related to EWF in anyway ?? I (only) guess these components are
required to run any basic image irrespective of EWF.

No they are not directly related to EWF but they must be in your image in
order for EWF to work.
And one last thing. Ofcourse its not very important. What is the need for
all this when we could do it so simply, with only a few registry entries ??

It is not so simply. You need to add few registry entries. then to disable
few things in resources then disable dll file.
Doing this in TD for many projects can be tedious job.

This way you just add one component and forget about is since default values
are what most people need.


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