RAM shows DDR333


Alan T

I got 2 GB DDR400 already, then bought another same brand 2 GB DDR 400 RAM.
However, it shows DDR333 when the PC starts up in the first screen. It shows
4 GB though (39xxx..).
Any idea?


Alan said:
I got 2 GB DDR400 already, then bought another same brand 2 GB DDR 400 RAM.
However, it shows DDR333 when the PC starts up in the first screen. It shows
4 GB though (39xxx..).
Any idea?

On an Athlon64, that happens because of the rating that AMD gives their
processor. They recommend DDR333 when using four sticks. The user can
experiment with speeding it up, by manually setting the clock speed
and the Command Rate setting.

With two sticks in dual channel, you could use DDR400 and Command Rate of 1T.

When four sticks are present in dual channel, the options are
DDR400 and Command Rate 2T, or DDR333 and Command Rate 1T. The
DDR400 and Command Rate 2T setting is slightly faster.

Test first with memtest86+, to see which of those two optional
settings, is error free in a couple test passes. If you only have
an error or two, increasing Vdimm can help. About 2.7V would be
safe with just about any RAM (since the JEDEC spec for DDR400
RAM is 2.6 +/- 0.1V). Two test passes could take a couple hours.

Note that I'm guessing you have an Athlon64 type processor. If that
is not correct, then give details of motherboard make/model and
processor type, for more help.


Alan T

Yes, you are right I have Athlon64 3200+ processor.
I have originally dual channel 2 x 1 GB stick DDR400 Hyundai (Hynix). Then
bought another identical 2 x 1 GB stick DDR 400 Hyundai (Hynix).

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