If I set up a RAID 1 on two disks one 250 & one 200 gig repectivly can I
partion the 250gig drive to to one partition of 200 and one of 50 gigs then
set the RAID to use the two 200 gigs partions and then i would have the
50gig partition as a spare storage area with its own drive letter?
I think thats about as clear as mud lol but I'm sure you all know what i
partion the 250gig drive to to one partition of 200 and one of 50 gigs then
set the RAID to use the two 200 gigs partions and then i would have the
50gig partition as a spare storage area with its own drive letter?
I think thats about as clear as mud lol but I'm sure you all know what i