Quotes and Appostriphies in Find strings



Despite all the help that has been given me by the UK newsgroup, I am still
having problems with quotes/appostrophes in FindFirst/FindNext strings.
I have two tables from an active DB4 database, one of them contains a list
of people with an AddressID, and the other a list of addresses (With the ID).

I cannot use a query to join the IDs because there are IDs
such as ""Cx and ""cx which
represent different addresses (Current and previous
address) in the original database and thus the query returns two (or more)
addresses for the same student.

I have actually used an append query
to 'get rid' of definately unwanted addresses from the DB4 table to compile
a local table tblLocalAddresses.

All IDs start with two quotqtion marks and contain two
other characters, one of which may be an appostrophe.

The 'same' IDs with a different case problem is resolved after the find, by using
strComp, and findNext if case does not match.
But I still have the problem of the quotes.

I have used the FIXQuote routine to double up on the appostrophies, which
prevents the 3077 (Duff string) error, but the returned string is not found
in the address table
Sorry If I am rambling, but I am trying to give all the relavent information in one hit.

These are some the addressIDs that I am having a problem

Address_ID Surname Forename
""'D DEEPROSE Rebecca (Two Quotes, an
appostrophe and D)
""'( DAVIS Antony (Two Quotes, an
appostrophe and ()
""'C RIPLEY Jack (Two Quotes, an
appostrophe and C)
""'" DAVIES Matthew (Two Quotes, an
appostrophe and another Quote)

The ones that were giving me problems, but no longer are
(FixQuotes fixed this)
were IDs such as:

""C' (Quote, quote, C, appostrophe)
""^' (Quote, quote, hat, appostrophe)

Note that the appostrophe is the last character in the ones that were fixed.

I have noticed the possible 'doom loop' if
FixQuotes returns a duff string although
with the strings that I have it doesn't happen.

My code is listed below, without the actual copy code.

Please can anyone help.

Sub GetAddressFromSIMS(strListToUse As String)
'Looks down StudentList, gets addressID, looks up
addressID in tblLocalAddresses _
if found pastes address data into StudentList
Dim db As Database
Dim rstStudentList As Recordset
Dim rstAddress As Recordset
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim NoAddress As Long
Dim StringMismatch As Long
Dim AddressesAdded As Long
Dim lngMaxRecords As Long
Dim lngRecordCount As Long
Dim fTryAgain As Boolean
Dim TimeNow

On Error GoTo Err_In_Sub
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set rstAddress = db.OpenRecordset("tblLocalAddresses",
dbOpenDynaset) '(SIMS)
'strListToUse contains a valid tablename
Set rstStudentList = db.OpenRecordset(strListToUse,
dbOpenDynaset) '(SIMS)

DoCmd.Hourglass True

Do Until rstStudentList.EOF
lngRecordCount = lngRecordCount + 1
Forms!frmsearch!ProgBar = lngRecordCount
strCriteria = "[address_ID]='" & rstStudentList!
ADdress_ID & "'"

'Findfirst generates a 3077 error if strcriteria is
duff. This is trapped and the string is passed to
FixQuotes and the search tried again
rstAddress.FindFirst strCriteria
If rstAddress.NoMatch Then
'No matching address
NoAddress = NoAddress + 1
If fTryAgain Then
MsgBox "Cannot find an address for this
student." & strCriteria
End If
fTryAgain = False
'An address_ID has been found in the Address table
'strComp is used after the find because the
students address_ID _
is case sensitive in SIMS _
and the same ID is used with different case for a
change of address _
The Access search engine is not case sensitive so
a binary strComp _
has to be dome on all found address_IDs for a
student _
to make the search appear case sensitive
Do Until rstAddress.NoMatch
If StrComp(rstAddress!ADdress_ID,
rstStudentList!ADdress_ID, 0) = 0 Then
'Case check of found address_ID is ok so
copy data
'Copy code in here

Exit Do
End If
'Case check is not ok, so find the next
rstAddress.FindNext strCriteria
End If

DoCmd.Hourglass False
Set rstStudentList = Nothing
Set rstAddress = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub

Select Case Err.Number
Case 3077

strCriteria = "Address_ID = '" _
& FixQuotes (rstStudentList!ADdress_ID) & "'"
fTryAgain = True
Resume TryAgain

Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " in
routine 'GetAddressFromSIMS'", vbCritical, "Error in Sub"
End Select
Resume exit_Sub
End Sub

Function FixQuotes(strToFix As String) As String
Dim strtemp As String
Dim I As Integer

For I = 1 To Len(strToFix)
If Mid(strToFix, I, 1) = Chr$(39) Then
strtemp = strtemp & Chr$(39)
End If
strtemp = strtemp & Mid(strToFix, I, 1)
FixQuotes = strtemp
End Function

Marshall Barton

TrevorJ wrote:
All IDs start with two quotqtion marks and contain two
other characters, one of which may be an appostrophe.

The 'same' IDs with a different case problem is resolved after the find, by using
strComp, and findNext if case does not match.
But I still have the problem of the quotes.

I have used the FIXQuote routine to double up on the appostrophies, which
prevents the 3077 (Duff string) error, but the returned string is not found
in the address table
Sorry If I am rambling, but I am trying to give all the relavent information in one hit.

These are some the addressIDs that I am having a problem

Address_ID Surname Forename
""'D DEEPROSE Rebecca (Two Quotes, an
appostrophe and D)
""'( DAVIS Antony (Two Quotes, an
appostrophe and ()
""'C RIPLEY Jack (Two Quotes, an
appostrophe and C)
""'" DAVIES Matthew (Two Quotes, an
appostrophe and another Quote) [snip]
strCriteria = "[address_ID]='" & rstStudentList!
ADdress_ID & "'"

I failed to follow all your code, but maybe you can get some
insight from this idea.

If you are using an apostrophe around the criteria value as
then you should double up on any apostrophes within the
This is easily done by using the Replace function:

strCriteria = "[address_ID]='" & _
Replace(rstStudentList!ADdress_ID, "'", "''") & "'"

If you want to use quotation marks around the criteria
value, then use a similar appropach to double up the quotes
within the string:

strCriteria = "[address_ID]=""" & _
Replace(rstStudentList!ADdress_ID, """", """""") & """"

I think that doing this can eliminate (or at least reduce)
the complexity in your code's logic.


I aggree that the logic of my code is not the best in the world. The problem was with the 'duplicates' i.e. The same ID in both upper and lower case as well as the appostropies and quotes.
Ron Wiener sorted the problem for me on the UK site, with a query that sorted the appostrophies and quotes problem, and a strComp as its WHERE statement to sort out the case problem.

Thanks a lot for your input. I have learned quite a lot about quotes and appostrophies in strings over the last few days.

Regards Trevor

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