quotation marks in vba coce



in my code below (which is behind a 'print report' button on a form which
takes the values 'months', 'start date' and 'stop date' that act to delimit
the range of this report, when i click report, the message seems to get
printed just fine, but then it is followed by this access message:

"Microsoft Access can't find the field 'Forms' referred to in your

i think i know the part of the code it's talking about, but what would it
take to put it to sleep?

any insights'd be really welcome.



Private Sub PrintReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintReport_Click
Dim response1 As Integer
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim response2 As Integer

If IsNull(Me.Months) = True Or IsNull(Me.StartDate) = True Or
Me.StopDate = #1/1/1899# Then
response2 = MsgBox("You have entered at least one invalid date. Review
and correct your entries.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error")
GoTo Line1
Else: response1 = MsgBox( _
"Your specifications call for printing a report for patients at their "
& Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![Months] & _
" months visit which spans the dates " & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered
By Months]![StartDate] & " and " _
& Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![StopDate] _
& ". If this is correct, click 'OK' to proceed or else click 'Cancel'
and re-enter them.", vbOKCancel + vbInformation, "Attention User")

If response1 = 1 Then
stDocName = "Selected Months Patients on Follow-Up"
strWhere = Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![Months] & _
[FollowUp] & "Between #" & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By
Months]![StartDate] & _
"# And #" & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![StopDate] & "#"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewNormal, , strWhere

ElseIf response1 = 2 Then GoTo Line1
End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_PrintReport_Click

End If

End Sub


I would change the Forms formatting to the following format:

Forms("Tracking Print Filtered By Months").Controls("Months")

Otherwise, I think it's okay, assuming the form is actually open when
you run this code.


i didn't know you could do that, chris, _but_ (here's the but), NO cigar!!!
although hovering over the Forms("Tracking Print Filtered By
Months").Controls("Months") in my code shows it equals fifteeen (15) because
i entered 15 from the dropdown combobox on the (yes it's) open form, the
'strwhere' is not getting resolved. hovering over strwhere is showing a bunch
of quotations marks, literally, '"', what appear to be a pair of single
quotes encapsulating one double quotation mark! i don't know what to make of
that. are you surprised?


Hi Ted,

Please take this in the spirit intended: this code is a mess. It's extremely
hard to read and there are several problems with it. The one to which you refer
is likely caused by the field "[FollowUp]" referred to in this section:
strWhere = Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![Months] & _
[FollowUp] & "Between #" & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By
Months]![StartDate] & _

You didn't qualify it like you did the other fields.

A couple of other things:
1. You don't need the "= True" with the IsNull function. You can simply say:
If IsNull(Me.FieldName) Then
Do something
End If

2. You Dim response2 as Integer and set it equal to a message box but you don't
return the value of the message box. If you don't really need that value the way
to create a message box is:
If condition Then
MsgBox prompt, style, title, etc. 'note no parentheses
End If

3. Your naming of reports and forms is going to prove to be a real PITA. You can
set form and report Caption properties to be something user friendly but the
actual names that you use in programming should be concise while still
descriptive AND ... contain no spaces!

All this being said, I C&Pd your code into a form module and, after several
minutes of cleaning it up, it did compile. Surprised me.

I hope this has been of some help,

in my code below (which is behind a 'print report' button on a form which
takes the values 'months', 'start date' and 'stop date' that act to delimit
the range of this report, when i click report, the message seems to get
printed just fine, but then it is followed by this access message:

"Microsoft Access can't find the field 'Forms' referred to in your

i think i know the part of the code it's talking about, but what would it
take to put it to sleep?

any insights'd be really welcome.



Private Sub PrintReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintReport_Click
Dim response1 As Integer
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim response2 As Integer

If IsNull(Me.Months) = True Or IsNull(Me.StartDate) = True Or
Me.StopDate = #1/1/1899# Then
response2 = MsgBox("You have entered at least one invalid date. Review
and correct your entries.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error")
GoTo Line1
Else: response1 = MsgBox( _
"Your specifications call for printing a report for patients at their "
& Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![Months] & _
" months visit which spans the dates " & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered
By Months]![StartDate] & " and " _
& Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![StopDate] _
& ". If this is correct, click 'OK' to proceed or else click 'Cancel'
and re-enter them.", vbOKCancel + vbInformation, "Attention User")

If response1 = 1 Then
stDocName = "Selected Months Patients on Follow-Up"
strWhere = Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![Months] & _
[FollowUp] & "Between #" & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By
Months]![StartDate] & _
"# And #" & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![StopDate] & "#"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewNormal, , strWhere

ElseIf response1 = 2 Then GoTo Line1
End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_PrintReport_Click

End If

End Sub


Hi RD,

I'm not bothered at all by the quality and tone of your feedback. I really
appreciated it (given my VBA newbie status, it almost boggles my mind that I
ever get anything I write to work at all....but it does)

I will try to make a point of following some of the points/tips you raised
in yours.

With regards.


RD said:
Hi Ted,

Please take this in the spirit intended: this code is a mess. It's extremely
hard to read and there are several problems with it. The one to which you refer
is likely caused by the field "[FollowUp]" referred to in this section:
strWhere = Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![Months] & _
[FollowUp] & "Between #" & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By
Months]![StartDate] & _

You didn't qualify it like you did the other fields.

A couple of other things:
1. You don't need the "= True" with the IsNull function. You can simply say:
If IsNull(Me.FieldName) Then
Do something
End If

2. You Dim response2 as Integer and set it equal to a message box but you don't
return the value of the message box. If you don't really need that value the way
to create a message box is:
If condition Then
MsgBox prompt, style, title, etc. 'note no parentheses
End If

3. Your naming of reports and forms is going to prove to be a real PITA. You can
set form and report Caption properties to be something user friendly but the
actual names that you use in programming should be concise while still
descriptive AND ... contain no spaces!

All this being said, I C&Pd your code into a form module and, after several
minutes of cleaning it up, it did compile. Surprised me.

I hope this has been of some help,

in my code below (which is behind a 'print report' button on a form which
takes the values 'months', 'start date' and 'stop date' that act to delimit
the range of this report, when i click report, the message seems to get
printed just fine, but then it is followed by this access message:

"Microsoft Access can't find the field 'Forms' referred to in your

i think i know the part of the code it's talking about, but what would it
take to put it to sleep?

any insights'd be really welcome.



Private Sub PrintReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintReport_Click
Dim response1 As Integer
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim response2 As Integer

If IsNull(Me.Months) = True Or IsNull(Me.StartDate) = True Or
Me.StopDate = #1/1/1899# Then
response2 = MsgBox("You have entered at least one invalid date. Review
and correct your entries.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error")
GoTo Line1
Else: response1 = MsgBox( _
"Your specifications call for printing a report for patients at their "
& Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![Months] & _
" months visit which spans the dates " & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered
By Months]![StartDate] & " and " _
& Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![StopDate] _
& ". If this is correct, click 'OK' to proceed or else click 'Cancel'
and re-enter them.", vbOKCancel + vbInformation, "Attention User")

If response1 = 1 Then
stDocName = "Selected Months Patients on Follow-Up"
strWhere = Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![Months] & _
[FollowUp] & "Between #" & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By
Months]![StartDate] & _
"# And #" & Forms![Tracking Print Filtered By Months]![StopDate] & "#"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewNormal, , strWhere

ElseIf response1 = 2 Then GoTo Line1
End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.description
Resume Exit_PrintReport_Click

End If

End Sub

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