


Hi Everyone

Thank you for all your help. I wish to create a quiz in access. I have
a table that has the answers and the questions itself with the ID. My
problem is I wish to create a quiz witha countdown such that for
example when you start the first question you have 4 options and there
is a message with a counter that says you have 6 seconds to answer this
question. when the time is up, a message appears saying "time's up, the
answer was Arsenal". If you click the right option during this time a
messagr comes and says correct. Also during the time, if you click the
wrong option a message comes up and says "incorrect, you have 3(or less
or more) left". Also when the time is up you go to the next question. I
know it is a lot demanding but I need this. A download example would be
welcome. Please could someone out there give me the help I need. Thanks
in Advance!!!!

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