QuickLaunch disappears


Simon E


Please help. My quicklaunch toolbar disappears after each
reboot.. caused by the removal of a SpyWare program. How
do I change the registry/.ini to ensure that the quick
launch is visible after a reboot.




This started on June 30th. Mine started with a permissions issue not
allowing me to sign on and kept rebooting. Safe mode and creating a new
user and modifying the existing one appeared to fix that but no Quick
Launch. It appears to be date related as the noise in this group
exploded on that date. I turn my PC off every night, so it appears to
be related to the first boot after that date (my guess). I still see
people recomending to recreate the folder, use Kelly's toolbarfix, some
are claiming that they think it is Zone Alarm. First let me say, the
folder exists, even had Kelly's toolbarfix create a new one as many have
stated in this group and still no go!!! and I do not have Zone Alarm...
No one can seem to figure this out (I sure can't) and I do feel
something is still lurking in my PC. It sounds like a virus, trojan,
whatever, however Spybot, Adware, Norton and HijackThis do not show
anything. Sure would like to see some help on this from Bill's Team
since it appears to be hitting only XP and IE.




I have tried everything under your listed CleanUpXP with no luck. I have
run the latest SpyBot, AdWare (with VX2), BHODemon, your #164 Restore
Taskbar to Default, CWShredder, still get "Can't Create Toolbar" Error. If
I try to Restore to an earlier point, I go back to the Login Privilages
issue where this all started an need to start in Save Mode, access the User
Profile and change the password to re-write the info (I guess) but all is
fine after that except for the Quick Launch.

Prior to this happening, I was always up to date on Norton2004 antivirus, I
ran Spybot, AdWare on a regular basis. I have seen people working with MS
and booting to the XP CD, but if you have a PC that came with XP loaded,
all you get is the restore CD and I do want to start from 3 years ago with
upgrading all my apps, etc...

Still looking for a fix.



I see suggestions to repair XP with the XP CD but the only CDs I have are
the recovery CDs and those are just images of the HD as it came from the
factory. I tried to Uninstall XP service Pack 1 (SP1) and reinstalled it,
hoping this would flush this thing but no change. I also read that MS is
aware of this, so hopefully we'll see a fix in SP2???

You don't realize how much you use the quick launch till you don't have it!



Thanks for the thorough feedback, Rob. I know you said you tried
everything.....so in question, can you confirm:

1. Did you disable all third party running programs as in Norton, ZA, etc?
2. The login issue has been solved by changing the
C:\WINNT\system32\userinit.exe, entry.

I may be mis-reading this, could you please give more detail here in your
If I try to Restore to an earlier point, I go back to the Login Privilages
issue where this all started an need to start in Save Mode, access the
Profile and change the password to re-write the info (I guess)...

3. Have you tried to reinstall IE? If not:
Enable Reinstallation of Internet Explorer or OE (Line 114)

Then re-install IE - Go to Start/Run, and type :
"rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132

How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows



Tried the following:

1. Disabled 3rd party apps by starting in Safe Mode. Still Can't Create

2. I checked the login registery and I am pointing to the corrrect .exe.
This problem started on 6/30. The PC booted fine, but as soon as you
started and App (i.e., OE), it crashed and sent a dump to Microsoft (this
was a big dump, progress bar and took about 30 seconds), then the PC
rebooted and brought up a small window stating there was a problem with the
privilages and was going to use the default. This had a countdown timer
and an OK button. Either one caused it to reboot, then back to this small
window and just kept looping. This is when I started in save mode, created
a new user and set and unset a password for the current user and I was able
to logon but then no Quick Launch. this was before I saw the regestery
entry fix.

3. Changed the registry with your #114 and reinstalled IE with the download
from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1e1550cb-
5e5d-48f5-b02b-20b602228de6&displaylang=en as the command in the START/RUN
stated "Installation Failed", however the downloaded app worked fine,
however still can't create toolbar".

I do notice something interesting. The user is "Lori Csontos" and in
Documents and Settings I see "Lori Csontos" along with a "Lori". When I
right click on the "Start" menu and "Open", it brings me to "Documents and
Setting\Lori", however under Task Manager the only user is "Lori Csontos".
The "Full Computer Name" is "Lori" so maybe that is tied to the machine and
not the user. Just don't remember seeing this before, thought it worth

Even if I create a new user w/ admin capability, still "Can't Create
Toolbar" with that user logged on. I even added the Quick Launch folder to
C:\Documents and Settings\Lori\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
just to see if this was the issue but noooooo.

I am really at a loss here and really appreciate the help.



After many searches and trying everything from standing on my head and
singing the national anthem to removing profiles and dancing and
ancient binary dance, I almost resorted to reinstalling xp. But a
co-worker came across the below posting at
http://help.lockergnome.com/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=21419 and it worked
for me, hope it does for others having the same or similar problem.


begin plagiarism**************

if you have the quicklaunch folder but "cannot create toolbar" when
adding the quick launch

use this registry hack

it works for xp 2000 2003 (including terminal servers)


adware/search & destroy were overzealous in registry editing and
removed an essential key

worked for me hope it helps

end plagiarism*****************


Success!!! I tried the Fix from Ramesh at MVP and I now have my QL
back. The fix was very simple to do (sure beats Reloading XP). The fix

Click Start/Run and type REGSVR32 /i SHELL32
Restart Windows.

Thank you all for looking into this!!!!!



This only works for some, Rob. Even though the Reg_Expand_Sz value data
points to .....Shell32, the run command is not enough in most cases.

Quick Launch: Gives error message, Cannot Create Toolbar

Either download the .reg or .vbs from here or run my utility listed below it
to correct.

Note: If you already have my utility downloaded, you will need to
re-download for the added fix.

Cannot Create Toolbar - Quick Launch (Line 296)

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus! Quick Launch - Repair

Quick Launch: Won't remain checked/present nor retains the sort order

Either check your settings here:

Go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.

In the right pane under Userinit, Change the key to read:

Or download and run the reg file on line 263 (right hand side)

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