Quick view in xp



Hi all,
When I finally upgraded to XP from Win98 I didn't know that this great
little program wouldn't be included in the new xp OS. So my question is: How
can I load Quick view from my old Win98 disc to my new XP computer and have
it work? I realize that I can copy the quickview.exe file over but getting
it to work on my new system is another question.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Gene Hora

Quick View is not an application that was ever included with a Windows
program to my knowledge. It was included as part of Corel WordPerfect
Office, ver. 8, also 9 and 10 I believe. That may be how you acquired it,
if you didn't buy it directly from the company. If you don't have the
program and need it, you can go here:


It's up to ver. 8.0 ($35 for download, more for CD) and less for a upgrade
version. I assume you did a "clean install" of WinXP since you no longer
have Quick View on your hard disk. Without the original installation disk I
doubt you can get the program to work properly since registry entries are

Ken Blake

Gene Hora said:
Quick View is not an application that was ever included with a
program to my knowledge. It was included as part of Corel
Office, ver. 8, also 9 and 10 I believe.

I can't remember the exact versions of WordPerfect that included
QuickView Plus, but that sounds right.

QuickView Plus still works under Windows XP. I'm running version
5.11 of it here.

Tom Porterfield

Hi all,
When I finally upgraded to XP from Win98 I didn't know that this great
little program wouldn't be included in the new xp OS. So my question is: How
can I load Quick view from my old Win98 disc to my new XP computer and have
it work? I realize that I can copy the quickview.exe file over but getting
it to work on my new system is another question.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Wow, some interesting replies so far. Quick View is not QuickRes (sorry
Bert). Quickview, as you know, was indeed included with previous versions
of Windows because of an agreement between Microsoft and the developers of
Quickview. That agreement was terminated several years ago and as a result
Quickview is no longer included with Windows. As has been recommended, you
can purchase the more advanced Quickview Plus which is fully compatible
with Windows XP. The current version is version 8. More info on Quickview
Plus can be found at
Tom Porterfield
MS-MVP Windows

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup only.

Bert Kinney

Hi Tom,

That's what I get for trusting my memory. :-(
Thank for the correction.


Thanks to all of you for the information. It looks like I'll have to dig out
the old credit card and get the new "plus" version. It's too bad MS had to
lose this one, it was a keeper.

Admiral Q

What does viewing of file contents have to do with screen resolution? I
believe you are confused on the meaning of "QuickView" versus "QuickRes" -
two different animals here.

Star Fleet Admiral Q @ your service!
"Google is your Friend!"


Bert Kinney said:
Hi Geno,

Here's the equivalent for WinXP.

Bert Kinney [MS-MVP DTS]

Hi all,
When I finally upgraded to XP from Win98 I didn't know
that this great little program wouldn't be included in
the new xp OS. So my question is: How can I load Quick
view from my old Win98 disc to my new XP computer and
have it work? I realize that I can copy the quickview.exe
file over but getting it to work on my new system is
another question.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Geno said:
Thanks to all of you for the information. It looks like I'll have to dig out
the old credit card and get the new "plus" version. It's too bad MS had to
lose this one, it was a keeper.

there are a couple of freeware apps you may want to try first -

only thing is they won't read document files (i think xnview does, not sure)
such as pdf or ms word.


Thanks for the info. They are all graphics viewers. The majority of my work
is in text documents. The one feature of Quick View, that was so great, was
that no matter what word processor or text editor that was used to make a
document, QV could read it without wading through all the digital "gobble d
gook" on the page.
Again, thanks for all the attention. If my exwife had paid this much
attention to my problems, she wouldn't be my ex.

Sharon F

Thanks for the info. They are all graphics viewers. The majority of my work
is in text documents.

If you haven't looked at these programs in a while, you will be pleasantly
surprised. Irfanview, for example, has many plug in filters available to
extend the type of files it is capable of handling.

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