Quick Question - Edit Macro




Can you help me to set this macro up so it works between 2 workbooks vs.
just working on the same sheet viewing different columns?

I’m looking for Sheet1 in Workbook A to look for a Match in Sheet2 Workbook
B. I’ve filled in the ranges as they would appear in each of the Workbooks.
Range(“E2:E100â€) is the range in Workbook A looking to match Range(“A2â€A100)
in Workbook B. If match is found, Workbook A Range (“B2:B100â€) would copy
cell values to destination Workbook B Range(“â€C2:C100â€).

Appreciate any help you can provide.

Thanks - Roger

Sub TestCopyFormat()

Dim Cell As Range
Dim Cindex As Integer
On Error GoTo errorhandler
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
For Each Cell In Range("E2:E100")
Cindex = WorksheetFunction.Match(Cell.Text, .Range("A2:A100"), 0)
.Range("B2:B100").Cells(Cindex, 1).Copy _
Destination:=Range("C2:C100").Cells(Cindex, 1)
Next Cell
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Dave Peterson

I _think_ this does what you want.

Dim WkbkARng as range
dim WkbkBRng as range
dim myCell as range
dim res as variant 'could be a number or an error

set wkbkARng = workbooks("workbookA.xls").worksheets("sheet1").range("E2:e100")
set wkbkBRng = workbooks("workbookB.xls").worksheets("sheet2").range("a2:a100")

for each mycell in wkbkarng.cells
res = application.match(mycell.value,wkbkbrng,0)
if iserror(res) then
'no match, do nothing
mycell.offset(0,1).copy _

'or just to bring back the value
'wkbkbrng(res).offset(0,1).value = mycell.offset(0,1).value
end if
next mycell

Untested, uncompiled--watch for typos.


Hi Dave,

Thank you so much for answering this- it's really been giving me a sharp
pain in the backside.

You noted that I could bring back the value by swapping the line of code as
noted below. The problem is once I swap, I get an error and I'm not sure
what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks again for your review - Roger

myCell.Offset(0, 1).Copy _
Destination:=WkbkRng(res) <<<< tried to replace as shown below

myCell.Offset(0, 1).Copy
Destination:=wkbkbrng(res).offset(0,1).value = mycell.offset(0,1).value
<<< received error with above>>>>

Dave Peterson

What error did you get?

And maybe you wanted this:

mycell.offset(0,1).copy _

Did you want to bring back the column to the right of the matching cell and
place it in the cell to the right of the original cell?


That is exactly what I wanted and it is now working flawlessly.

Thank you for your help and you rock!


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