

john marsden

would someone please answer" rich 7/24, windows xp keeps freezing up" i have
the same problem, thank you.
john marsden.

Uncle Grumpy

john marsden said:
would someone please answer" rich 7/24, windows xp keeps freezing up" i have
the same problem, thank you.

You have another problem: you think we know what you're talking about.

Doug W.

john marsden said:
would someone please answer" rich 7/24, windows xp keeps
freezing up" i have the same problem, thank you.
john marsden.
You might as well post the following: Dear mindreaders, I have a
problem...Can you help me with it?
The replies should tell you that your methodology is flawed.
Doug W.

Bruce Chambers

Doug said:
You might as well post the following: Dear mindreaders, I have a
problem...Can you help me with it?

Which raises the question: Why is there a Psychic Hot-Line? Shouldn't
they be calling the people who need help?


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell

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