question on SIDs and file rights



We have a 2000 server sp4 that has 2 drives, both NTFS, C
and D.. C was the OS and D has all the data. We had to
reinstall the OS on the box but was able to leave all of
the data intact. When we try to assign rights to the data
after the reinstall we are having all kind of problems
that we didn't have before.
The server is setup in a workgroup with accounts created
locally for all of the users.
We shared a folder with everyone group read only on the D
drive with sub folders in it.
each sub folder has different security so we removed the
rights to everyone and only gave rights to users who
needed it.
when we went to map the drive non of the users had any
rights to the main shared folder. we had to add the
Everyone group and then that messed up the access to the
rest of the folders. If we removed the inherited rights to
the other folders they lost access again.
When we tried to remove the everyone group we saw the RAW
SIDs instead of names of accounts.
how do we
#1. fix it so we are not looking at the SID but a user
#2. What could the issue be with the security? why do I
have to have the group Everyone on all the shared sub
This is a clean install of 2000 with all the latest



Sounds like a big mess. You are probably looking at SIDs because the
associations/mappings were lost. You will need to reconfigure the security
by adding the users and permissions again.

My recommendations:

1. Change the main folder to share to Authenticated Users and keep read

2. The subfolders don't need to inherit in this case. Instead, manually
specify the permissions you need and uncheck the inherit box.

3. Instead of adding users to each of the folder permissions, you should
create some local groups that can contain the users. For instance, create a
"Sales" group and give the "Sales" group rights to a subfolder.

Based on the information you provided, it sounds like you'll have to be
assigning permissions all over again.

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