Question on Hyperlinks with PPT2002



In PPT2000, you can insert controls in the document for navigation purposes
by Insert Hyperlink and choosing Place in Document.

The options available are:
- First Slide
- Last Slide
- Next Slide
- Previous Slide
- Slide Titles (open tree to see all slides listed)
- Custom Shows

If I upgrade to PPT2002, are there additional hyperlinks in that dialog???



You didn't list Last Slide Viewed. They are the same in PowerPoint 2002.
Where else do you want to go?

Bill Foley

They are the same, however, in both versions, you have additional options
when setting Action Settings. Right-click your object, select "Action
Settings. In the "Hyperlink to" dropdown you can hyperlink to the same ones
you mentioned, but also:

Last Slide Viewed

You can also perform other actions, such as:

End Show
opening an Other PowerPoint presentation
opening an Other file


Cool! I didn't know I had those other options! And yes, I forgot to list
Last Slide Viewed (thanks, Sonia!)

Bill & Sonia, is there a way to automatically build a list of all slide
titles, or do I need to add them one-by-one?


Kathryn Jacobs

I'm not Sonia or Bill, but I know this one...
Go to the Outlining toolbar and look for the button that looks like a
cascading set of slides. Click it. You will get a single slide that contains
the titles of all the other slides providing:
1) Every title placeholder has text in it
2) No title placeholder has punctuation in it
3) Every slide has a title placeholder
Post back if you need more information.
(Oh, and if the outlining toolbar doesn't show, go to tools--> toolbars and
make it active.)
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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Bill Foley

You actually need to type your titles on the Title Placeholder of each
slide. I always recommend having titles on every slide. It makes
hyperlinking much easier because it is easy to know which slide to go to if
they have titles. Otherwise, all you see is Slide 1, Slide 2, etc.

If the title placeholder on your slide gets in the way of a large graphic on
that slide, you can click the bottom border of the text box and drag it off
the top of the slide. The title is still assigned to that slide, but it
won't know.


Bill Foley

Sorry, I misread again! Having a bad-hair day! HA!

If you want to build a Summary Slide of all of various titles, you can also
do this in the Slide Sorter view. Select the slides that you want to
include the titles on the Summary Slide and click the "Summary Slide" icon.
It looks like a picture of several slides with an arrow to another slide.


Hmmm, when I do that, I get a slide that is titled "Summary Slide", but
there is only one bullet item called Topic 1.

Every title placeholder (the navigation) has text, & every slide has a title
placeholder. No punctuation in either of them.


O.K., this built me a list of the slides O.K. - but I also need them to
hyperlink to the respective slides. Do I now have to manually do that?

Kathryn Jacobs

Um... I missed a step, as you found from Bill Foley's notes. You have to
have multiple slides selected. I just automatically do it in the Outline
view, so they all show. Since I forgot to tell you that step, you only got
the current slide (which I am guessing was the first one).

I'm sorry :(
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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