question on access control



Hi, I am a newbie, currently i am doing a project, upon user login, there
will be 3 or 4 levels of previleges of access to the system, that is, for
example, User A can only access 1.aspx, 2.aspx, User B can only access
2.aspx and 3.aspx. User C can access all.

Anybody can give me a hint how to do that? use cookie or what?

Thank you very much for your reply.

Yangtsi River

u can use session, u give a session representing his access level to the
visitor,then in your every page,u can check this session varible to make
sure that he is allowed to visit.

in fact,session is a kind of cookie too, the difference that session
varibles lived in a short period of time.

Yangtsi River

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