Question of a Java programmer


Samuel R. Neff

I tried it a while ago and liked it - apart from the way that it takes
ages to find all the types the first time you use it on a solution
after loading Visual Studio. (Not just once, but *every* time you load
Visual Studio.)

If it cached the results and just updated itself in the background,
that would be fine - but it doesn't.

Seriously though, Visual Studio ought to offer this kind of thing out
of the box. I've always thought MS should spend more time making
*actual coding* easier (i.e. time spent in the plain code editors) and
less time making designers fancier.

Certainly not going to argue with that.. I wish a lot of the ReSharper
stuff was build right into VS (and more of it is in 2005, but still I
think ReSharper is needed for 2005). Most of the ideas I'm sure came
from IntelliJ, their Java IDE.

If you used ReSharper a while ago and didn't like it due to
performance, I'd take another look. Recent versions are a lot better
and do a lot of things in the background that improve perceived
performance as well as actual performance (jeez, now I really am
starting to sound like an employee).



Jon said:
Right. I see what you mean. Such a coding convention would be
incredibly restrictive though :(

Not compared to java. Then it is simply having one file
instead og one dir with multiple files.



Laurent said:
I think it's what Arne meant, but I might be wrong. In Java, IIRC, the
"package" visibility also applies to sub-packages. So even if you have
sub namespaces in an assembly, Arne's post still make sense, am I wrong?

I don't like classes in non leaf packages, so I do not have that


Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Arne Vajhøj said:
Not compared to java. Then it is simply having one file
instead og one dir with multiple files.

Sorry, I don't think I follow you. I would have thought with a one
namespace to one assembly convention, you'd end up with *vast* numbers
of projects in a large application - or you have more classes in a
namespace than is really healthy. Neither of these appeal to me much...

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