Question dealing with updating network-wide distribution lists



I need help as soon as possible with this...

With an "Owner" status for distribution lists on our network, I need
to make an update all across the network. In the past, I've been able
to update people's profiles and information and have it affect the
entire network.

But now, I need to update the "Categories..." button at the botton of
the window when looking at a person's profile. I can add/delete them
on my own computer, but the same changes are not made on others'

I tried Sending the updated distribution list as an attachment to
someone's computer to see if they could just drop it in the same root
folder, hoping it would replace the old list. But that didn't work

I've not been working with Outlook that long, so I'm still kind of
learning my way through it, so please don't assume I know or tried
something obvious. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

- Ben

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