Question as to type of answers being asked for...

  • Thread starter Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)
  • Start date

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I'm new to these newsgroups, but have a lot of VB (compiled version)
experience, a lot of which should be applicable to Excel VBA programming (as
VB makes use of a subset of VBA underneath). Anyway, a question was just
asked in this newsgroup with the Subject "Date Conversion". Two responders
answered the question with Workbook Functions and I answered it with a VBA
response. I figured that is what was wanted since the name of this newsgroup
is "programming" and there exist another newsgroup named

So, my question is... should I assume posters to this "programming"
newsgroup are seeking VBA solutions, those to the "worksheet.functions"
newsgroup are seeking embeddable cell formulas and those to the "misc"
newsgroup could be either? Or is there no hard and fast rule for this?



I think it is a good idea to post alternative approaches, regardless of the
newsgroup title.

When I ask a question, I like having options. If the poster doesn't want a
VBA solution, they can just ignore it.

Don Guillett

Your assumptions are correct but not often followed. Some may not know about
the other groups or they just don't care.

Bob Phillips


Often people will assume that it has to be done with VBA, either they think
that or assume it because they can't do it with formulae. I think that most
responders would agree with me that unless the OP has a reason for needing
it a specific way, we are at liberty to provide whatever we think is best,
after all, that is the way for everyone to learn. It is primarily Excel
after all, and not everyone thinks about the group they post in. Some will
just frequent the first group that they found. I have seen many questions in
worksheet.functions asking specifically for code.

Although we would like to think the group names mean something, they are
just names, and are not hard and fast. And similarly, our response are not,
and should not be, restricted to the group name.

No hard and fast rules.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Don Guillett

Look what I just did in worksheet.functions

You said formula but that would eat up a lot of resources so,
right click sheet tab>view code>insert this>

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column <> 1 Then Exit Sub
Sheets("sheet3").Cells(target.row, 1).Value = Target
End Sub

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