Question abt. vertical size of a form


Veli Izzet

Hi all,

I have a form subform like frmSales and frmSalesDetails.

Details of a sale my be one item, or up to 30 plus items.

Using (on the On Current event of the frmSales)

Me.[frmSalesDetails subform].Height = 575 + Me.[SalesDetails
subform].Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount * 275

I can change the vertical size of the subform.

However, I have a problem with the vertical size of the frmSales itself:

1- In case the no of items in the frmSalesDetails exceed 15-20, the
frmSales cannot contain all items, and a vertical strollbar comes up.

This scrollbar remains after I leave that particular sales, and go to
the next, etc. although the next sales have less items.

How can I reset the size of the form as I go to the next sales item?

2- Better still, how do I make the size of the main form different for
every sales?

Hope I was clear with my questions, and thanks for answers.

Veli Izzet


It is very, very unusual to try and change the vertical height of a
form, to allow for the number of entries. It is much more common to
leave the vertical height alone, and let the vertical scrollbar appear
when it has to. I recommend that you take the second approach. Everyone
is used to that. That is what the scrollbars are there for :)


Veli Izzet

It seems you have a point here.-)
I did not very much like the idea after I have posted the question, anyhow..

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