Question about Reports and Tables



Hi, everyone. Here is my question. Hope it's not too complicated.

We have a conference coming up in our department. I created a database table
with the following fields:

Receipt Number
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
City, State, and ZIP Code
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Fax Number
Total Amount Paid
Date Paid
Payment Method
Check Number
Money Order Number

The question is this: How can I create a report that will give me the total
that we've collected for the conference? What formula can I use to do that?
Please help!!


Dead easy. In the Report Footer, add a text box and type into it

=Sum([Total Amount Paid])

But unless this database is a one off and you don't need to keep a record
for the future of who paid what, you may want to change the design.

You're OK down to Fax Number except make your first field PersID (an
Autonumber field and Primary Key).

Then you need
ConfID (Autonumber, Primary Key)
ConferenceVenue (You may want to have a seperate table listing all the
venues you have used including Venueaddress, SeatingCapacity, etc so that
you can make notes on their sandwiches or how good the bathrooms were. If
you do that then this field will be VenID - the Primary Key of the Venue

(and any other fields only about the conference itself)
And finally, the main table

TblAttendees (records people who were invited to attend the conference)
Receipt Number Primary Key
ConfID (Linked to TblConference)
PersID (Linked to TblPerson)
Total Amount Paid
Date Paid
Payment Method
Check Number
Money Order Number
Attended (a Yes/No field to tick when/if the person arrives)
AttendComments (eg got drunk on the first day and wasn't seen for the rest
of the conference)

then you can use the same database for other conferences and remind yourself
who was at the last one. You can filter out the old records using the
conference date.


John W. Vinson

Hi, everyone. Here is my question. Hope it's not too complicated.

We have a conference coming up in our department. I created a database table
with the following fields:

Receipt Number
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
City, State, and ZIP Code
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Fax Number
Total Amount Paid
Date Paid
Payment Method
Check Number
Money Order Number

The question is this: How can I create a report that will give me the total
that we've collected for the conference? What formula can I use to do that?
Please help!!

Do you want JUST the grand total, with no detail information? If so, create a
Query based on this table. Select only the Total Amount Paid field. Change the
query to a Totals query and change the default "Group By" on the Totals row to
"Sum". You'll get a one-record, one-field query with a currency value showing
the sum of all the [Total Amount Paid] values.

To do this in the footer of a Report displaying other data from the table,
create the report (using the report wizard or by hand); use View on the menu
to make the Report Footer visible (not the page footer but the report footer).
Put a textbox on the footer with a control source

=Sum([Total Amount Paid])

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