Query vs Form vs Report Question



What is the best way to handle the following:

I have a query that needs to be sent via email. The emailed FORM transmits
via email as desired with the exception of:
1. I need to total some of the fields.
Can this be done?
2. I need to lock some of the fields so that there is no data entry
allowed on the transmitted form.
Can this be done?
3. I need to have background color on the unlocked fields.
Can this be done?

The emailed REPORT can handle all of the above with the exception of
emailing, which of course will not work for me since the format is lost.

The emailed QUERY emails in good format and is much easier to handle.
However, I have the same questions as listed under the form above. My query
has 50 fields - and yes, it must be on one query without any subqueries so
that when I email this it transmits as an excel worksheet.

Thanks in advance,

Pat Hartman\(MVP\)

Since you don't want the user to be able to update the data, why not email
an .snp file. The snapshot viewer can be downloaded for free if the
recipient doesn't already have it.


The question was I have a query that needs to be sent e-mail
part 1 of the question:
In design view of your table form
In the Field Name enter another field name called E-Mail
Data type enter Hyperlink save the table and switch to the data sheet view
Insert your Insertion point in the E-Mail field click insert Hyperlink
In "Text to display" enter---- send E-mail then click screen tip box add
the screen tip.
Next question was I need to total some of the fields. can this be done?
Yes ( use the sidways M to add a (group by) to your fields next click on the
down pointing arrow at the side and select ( sum) in the fields you wish to
Next question is I need to have color on the unlocked fields.
Yes color is available in report features.
It seams very possiable, but
I would ask one of the VB'ers for information on color availability in a query
Hope this was of some benifit-- Good day GB

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