Query on the Use of Absolute References



Hi, everyone -

I was hoping for a little help on the use of Absolute References. I
have a date entry sheet, in one of my projects, where the data entry
cells ties into a second worksheet. The name of the data entry sheet

In my 2nd worksheet, I'm using a SUMIF formula to tie the cells in the
two worksheets together. For example, within cell C8 in Worksheet 2, I
have the following formula: =SUMIF('DATA
ENTRY-HOURS'!$B$5:$B$200,1,'DATA ENTRY-HOURS'! C5:C200 ). In Worksheet
2-cell C9, I have =SUMIF('DATA ENTRY-HOURS'!$B$5:$B$200,1,'DATA
ENTRY-HOURS'! D5:D200 ). The cells in Worksheet 2 C10...C45 are tied
to the data entry sheet using the same formula with the progression of
E5:E200, F5:F200........ while using the absolute reference

My query is the following: is there an easier way to copy and paste
the SUMIF formulas in the rest of the cells in Worksheet 2, with the
apporpriate progression, without having to manually change the
forumals in each cell?

Thanks for the continued assistance.


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