Query on availability of Excel book




Might not be the right forum for asking but didnt know where else to ask.

I want to get my HANDS on John WalkenBach's books (power programming,
formulas etc). Problem is the foreign books are too costly for Indian book
buyers. One book would eat up one fifth of my monthly salary.

Usually we have Indian reprints of popular foreign books which are low cost
price (basically they are black-white, no color and the quality of paper
will be just ok etc). For example we have Wiley student edition for Indian
subcontinent etc. which are basically low cost publications of popular
academic books (priced at one tenth or even less of the original US edition)
Usually such low cost books are for intended only to be sold in the
specified market only. So, these editions cannot be sold in US etc.

I have raided the popular bookshops in New Delhi (India) but not able to
find any of John's Book or the Excel 2002 programmer's reference by Rob
Bovey etal.

Can anybody tell me whether the above books would be available as low cost
option in India (or are they already available?)


Stephen Bullen

Hi Hari,
Can anybody tell me whether the above books would be available as low cost
option in India (or are they already available?)

As both books are published by Wiley, I suggest you start at www.wiley.com
and ask them direct.


Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel


Hi Stephen,

Thnx a lot for the right lead.
Have mailed them, I hope they respond even if it is in negative.


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