Query on a text file..help needed



I am trying to query a large text file and I'm beginning to wonder if
it is just impossible to do.

I used the excel query wizard but because I am working with a fixed
length file I am not coming up with the columns I need. The wizard
picks up each row as a solid block of information. Is there a way to
pick out certain information from the text file into the query?

so if my text line reads:


excel could pick out
01 10/17/2006 John Doe 234 street

I know someone ran a query on my file and put it into the most
beautiful excel spread sheet but it just isn't working for me.


If all of your data are in that same format down comumn A, then you could use
Data > TextToColumns to break some of it apart, and then use some of the TEXT
formulas like LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND, etc to get the rest of it.....

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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