Query Looping??


Joe Williams

I have a table that lists the bill of materials for a part, let's say it has
three fields, ParentPart, ChildPart, and QuantityPer.

What I need is a query that will list the ParentPart and the ChildParts, but
THEN do an additional query to see if the ChildPart is ALSO a ParentPart. So
for instance Part A could be made up of Component A and ComponentB, and then
ComponentB could also be made up of RawMaterialA and RawMaterialB. in the
table, anything that has a subcomponent is also listed as a ParentPart, so
everything is in one table no matter how many levels a part might have.

It seems to me that this would be some type of looping, checking and
retrieveing records for each ParentPart and ChildPart until the lookup is

I would like the returned recordset to be PArentPart, ChildPart, and
QuantityPer for a specific part number but with as many levels as was
required to list all of the components and subcomponents.

I have bashed my head over this but am getting no where. Any ideas?



Michel Walsh


If the number of generations is relatively high, and in that, I mean 4 or
more, you may investigate a nested set based solution. There is an example
using it, for a bill of material list at
http://www.mvps.org/access/queries/qry0023.htm WITHOUT using any loop. A
nested set acts like an index: it accelerates some operations. In the case
of a nested set, it is about hierachy-like operations.

To make the nested set representation, out of a classical parent-child
table, find below some code that can help. Use the sub

FromParentToNested(ByVal ParentTable As String, _
ByVal NodeID As String, _
ByVal ParentID As String, _
ByVal NestedSet As String)

where the first argument is the table name for the parent-child; the second
argument is the name of the field identifying the "thing", ( the part
number, the name of the employee in a boss-employee relation, etc); the
third field is the name of the field being the parent of the previous field,
and the last argument is the table name to be created that would be the
nested set table representation. Once you have the nested set
representation, you can use all kinds of relations, without using any loop.

I also have a 2003 database, with documents, that, under the form of a
"wizard", can help you to explore some of the things we can do with nested
sets. Just send me a message if you are interested, so I can send it to you.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const MyName As String = "NestedSets"

Private Const errParentTable As String = "Parent Table in error."
Private Const errParentTableKey As String = "Specified 'node' field in
Parent Table has null and so can't be use for primary key."
Private Const errNoRoot As String = "The Parent table has no identifiable
root node; fix and submit again."
Private Const errNoUniqueRoot As String = "The Parent table has more than
one possible root; fix and submit again."
Private Const errCantCreate As String = "Cannot create the nested set table
Private Const errCantInsert As String = "Cannot insert the nodeID "
Private Const errUnknownParent As String = "At least one ParentID is unknown
as NodeID in the supplied table."
Private Const errUnusedRecords As String = "Not all the records from the
table have been used."

Private db As Database ' To avoid using CurrentDb each time
Private OpeningString As String ' string to open the recordset with all
Private InsertInto As String ' string to insert a record

Private Sub RaiseError(ByVal Desc As String, Optional ErrNumber As Long =
Err.Raise vbObjectError + ErrNumber, MyName, Desc
End Sub

Public Sub FromNestedToParent(ByVal NestedTable As String, _
ByVal ParentTableName As String, _
ByVal NodeFieldName As String, _
ByVal ParentFieldName As String)

Dim db As Database: Set db = CurrentDb
On Error Resume Next
db.Execute "DROP TABLE " & ParentTableName

db.Execute "SELECT c.NodeID as " & NodeFieldName & _
", p.NodeID As " & ParentFieldName & _
" INTO " & ParentTableName & _
" FROM " & NestedTable & " AS c LEFT JOIN " & NestedTable & " AS p "
& _
" ON (c.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt) AND c.lvl = p.lvl+1 ",

If 0 <> Err.Number Then
RaiseError Err.Description, Err.Number
End If
Debug.Assert 0 = Err.Number
End Sub

Public Sub FromParentToNested(ByVal ParentTable As String, _
ByVal NodeID As String, _
ByVal ParentID As String, _
ByVal NestedSet As String)

Dim nCount As Long

' Check if the table exists, and if the fields NodeID and ParentID exist
On Error Resume Next
DCount "*", ParentTable, NodeID & "=" & ParentID
If 0 <> Err.Number Then
RaiseError errParentTable
Exit Sub
End If
' Check if there are NULL under the nodeID
If 0 <> DCount("*", ParentTable, NodeID & " IS NULL") Then
RaiseError errParentTableKey
Exit Sub
End If

Set db = CurrentDb

If 0 <> db.OpenRecordset("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM " &
ParentTable & " AS a LEFT JOIN " & _
ParentTable & " AS b ON a." & ParentID & "= b." & NodeID & _
" WHERE (NOT a." & ParentID & " IS NULL) AND b." & NodeID & " IS
NULL)").Fields(0).Value Then
RaiseError errUnknownParent
Exit Sub
End If

' Create the nested set table. Its three fields are NodeID, lft and rgt.
db.Execute "DROP TABLE " & NestedSet: Err.Clear
' We tried to drop a table, maybe it was not there... not important...

db.Execute "CREATE TABLE " & NestedSet & _
" lvl LONG NOT NULL ); "

'In theory, we can compute the level, lvl, with a query, but there
' nothing wrong in storing it in the table too.

If 0 <> Err.Number Then
RaiseError errCantCreate & Err.Description & ")."
Exit Sub
End If

' Find the root, the node with a Null as ParentID, or the one with
Dim root As Long
Select Case DCount("*", ParentTable, NodeID & "=" & ParentID)

Case 0
' There is no node where NodeID=ParentID... look for a Parent Is
Select Case DCount("*", ParentTable, ParentID & " IS Null")
Case 0
' There is no node where Parent Is Null, ... error...
RaiseError errNoRoot
Exit Sub

Case 1
' there is just one such node, perfect...
root = DLookup(NodeID, ParentTable, ParentID & " IS NULL")

Case Else
' there is more than one node with a parent Is Null... what to
RaiseError errNoUniqueRoot
Exit Sub
End Select

Case 1

' There is just one node where parentID=NodeID... what about
' a node with a NULL parent???
If 0 <> DCount("*", ParentTable, ParentID & " Is Null") Then
RaiseError errNoUniqueRoot
Exit Sub
End If

root = DLookup(NodeID, ParentTable, ParentID & "=" & NodeID)

Case Else

' We have more than one node with ParentID=NodeID, someone has to
fix it...
RaiseError errNoUniqueRoot
Exit Sub

End Select

If 0 <> Err.Number Then
RaiseError errCantInsert & root
Exit Sub
End If

' Prepare the recursion
InsertInto = "INSERT INTO " & NestedSet & "(NodeID, lft, rgt, lvl)
OpeningString = "SELECT " & NodeID & " FROM " & ParentTable & " WHERE "
& ParentID & "="

Dim counting As Long
counting = 2

'Make some nasty recursion about calling for each of the children
CallChildren root, counting, 2

' Append the root...
db.Execute InsertInto & root & ", 1, " & counting & ", 1 ); "

'Job is done... we can alter the rgt field so it doesn't accept NULLs
' but that is not 'strictly' required...

db.Execute "CREATE INDEX level ON " & NestedSet & "(lvl)"

If counting <> 2 * DCount("*", ParentTable) Then
RaiseError errUnusedRecords
Exit Sub
End If

If 0 <> Err.Number Then
RaiseError Err.Description, Err.Number
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Private Sub CallChildren(ByVal ParentNodeID As Long, ByRef counting As Long,
ByVal level As Long)

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim opening As Long ' the current worm counter, the lft value
' for a given node
On Error Resume Next
' Open a recordset will al the children of the given parent...
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(OpeningString & ParentNodeID,
dbOpenForwardOnly, dbReadOnly)

' For each, remember the lft, call the children, then having the rgt
value, insert the record.
Do Until rst.EOF

opening = counting ' get a copy, that is our rgt value.
' we can't insert the whole record,now, since we ignore the rgt

' We need to increase the running worm counter...
counting = counting + 1

CallChildren rst.Fields(0).Value, counting, level + 1 ' recursive
call on all the actual children

db.Execute InsertInto & rst.Fields(0).Value & ", " & opening & ", "
& counting & ", " & level & ") ;"

' Increase the running worm counter
counting = counting + 1

Debug.Assert 0 = Err.Number
End Sub


Joe Williams

Thanks Michel,

this looks like what I was looking for, one question, though - Your code
talks about creating a table - I was envisioning it more of a query or
temporary recordset and not creating anything permanent- so I am not sure
how to use your code without having to create an actual table - or am I
misunderstanding it? (Easy for me to do) :)

Secondly, I would love to see your examples, although I am running Access

Thanks for your help!

- joe

Michel Walsh


Indeed, you need a nested set representation rather than a
parent-child representation. See it like an index needing "some place" to
live in. Once you have the nested set representation, you can forgot about
the parent-child representation (in theory, but I would hardly say to delete
that table) if you know how to "maintain" the nested set representation (as
a table). Generally, it is preferable to regenerate the table of the nested
sets if the original tree is modified.

I can send you the db (in what Microsoft menu tell me should be a 2002
format), and documentation (MS Word doc). Just send me a message ("at" msn
dot com, vanderghast in front of it), and I'll include it as attachment of a

Vanderghast, Access MVP

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