I have data similar to below. I need to return entries that have multiple
countries of origin for the same product ID and description. Product 111
below is sourced from two countries and I need to return the two line
pertaining to those lines.
Product ID Prod Desc Country Of Origin
111 lightbulb China
112 paper Germany
111 lightbulb Mexico
113 fork Japan
My Query should look like this:
Product ID Prod Desc Country Of Origin
111 lightbulb China
111 lightbulb Mexico
countries of origin for the same product ID and description. Product 111
below is sourced from two countries and I need to return the two line
pertaining to those lines.
Product ID Prod Desc Country Of Origin
111 lightbulb China
112 paper Germany
111 lightbulb Mexico
113 fork Japan
My Query should look like this:
Product ID Prod Desc Country Of Origin
111 lightbulb China
111 lightbulb Mexico