Query Help.


Tom Phethean

I am trying to run a database whereby when a new member
enrolls, an enrolment key is assigned to that user - from
a list of pre-determined valid enrolment keys. Once this
number has been assigned to a user, i then want the user
name to appear next to the enrolment key in the table.
below is a simplified version of what i currently have:

enrolment table
enrolment key : username
123456 : user
789789 :
111111 :

and user table:
username : name : email : enrolment key
user : bob : bob@Bob : (selected from drop down

any ideas on how to acheive this would be much appreciated.

Tom Phethean

Many thanks for the method of doing it. Any possibility of
the VB code for such a procedure - im not quite up to that
level of coding yet.

Thanks again.

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