Query help recquired please



I have a table which details the number of fax orders I receive daily. The
table holds all faxes received this year so far. My dilema is .. I should
like to have a query that can be used to generate a report that shows how
many faxes each individual agent has processed per day in a week. The fields
are titled DATECOMPLETED and AGENT NAME. I am flummoxed by the filter and
expressions to use. If at all possible I should like the report to look
something like below if at all possible.. ( I am using ACCESS 2003):

Agent Name
Date completed total
28/03/05 10
29/03/05 10
30/03/05 10
31/03/05 15
01/04/05 15 Total 60
Agent Name
Date completed total
28/03/05 10
29/03/05 10
30/03/05 10
31/03/05 15
01/04/05 15 Total 60

Total for week 120
Any help, preferably that I can copy and paste would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Thanks Lynn, but I am doing something wrong... does "FaxOrders" represent the
query name or table name? I have managed to construct a query that lists the
completed faxes by agent each day of the week if I enter from and to dates,
AM not sure how to get the totals. Do I need to construct a new query? Sorry
... I am a bit dense.


You cannot display subtotals and a grand total in a query window. Once you
have the subtotals in the Query, use the report wizard to create the report
and add totals there. Choose Agent Name as the Group by field in the wizard.
On the next screen click the Summary Options button to add totals to the
count field. Your completed report should look very similar to the sample
you gave.
Good Luck!

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