Query Groupby problem



I have tables Client, Orders, OrderDetail
In a query I have the following.
SELECT Orders.OrdersID, Orders.ClientID,
Sum(CCur([Quantity]*[Spreading]+[Quantity]*[Cartage])*1.125) AS [Amt Due],
FROM Orders INNER JOIN OrderDetail ON Orders.OrdersID = OrderDetail.OrdersID
GROUP BY Orders.OrdersID, Orders.ClientID, Orders.Paid
HAVING (((Orders.Paid) Is Null));
I have a Payment form (continuous) based on this query, which brings up all
unpaid Orders. The problem I have is the program will not allow me to put a
check mark in the Orders.Paid column in order to mark paid.
Any help appreciated and thanks in advance.

Naresh Nichani MVP


A Group By Query is not updateable and hence form based on it is also non
updateable. A Group by can agreegate data from more than one record and
hence Access will not know which record to update.

Consider a Query which has only Orders table and to show Amt Due use a DSUM
or a join to a different query which does this.


Naresh Nichani
Microsoft Access MVP

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