Query design



I already asked this question yesterday, then thought I had solved it myself,
only to find out that I hadn't.

I have 3 tables - Activity, Questions and Answers.
Activity has the field ActivityID and some other fields. Questions has
QuestionID and Question. Answers has ActivityID, QuestionID and Answer. All
ID fields are number fields, the Answer field is a yes/no field.
Tables are linked 1-to-many between Activity and Answers, and 1-to-many
between Questions and Answers. In both cases, the join type is type 1.
The idea is to record in the Answers table how all the questions are
answered for each activity - yes or no.
I'm trying to create a query and form for this based on the Answers table,
but have failed to come up with a way that lists all the questions and
corresponding checkboxes, and then writes the values to the table.

I suspect I'm approaching this problem the wrong way, so I would be very
grateful for any advice that points me in the right direction.

Larry Daugherty

You didn't tell us clearly what you are trying to do so it's up to us
to guess.

My guess is that you wnat two "one-to-many" relationships cascaded as
in your > I have 3 tables - Activity, Questions and Answers. ie
Activities to Questions and Questions to Answers.



Sorry, I thought I had described my situation quite extensively.
Anyway, what I'm trying to achieve is make a questionnaire. For that, I need
to list the questions on a form together with checkboxes, and then have that
write entries into my table.


I looked at it, yes. It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me though; I
guess that just shows my level of "expertise".

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