Query By Year



How do I query by the year that will be user entered? I
have a date field that I want to be searched and values
returned if they match the year entered.

Thanks in advance!


John Spencer (MVP)

Assuming that your user is entering a four-character year, you could use

Field: SomeDate
Criteria: Between DateSerial([What year? (yyyy)],1,1) AND DateSerial([What year?

OR another method that may be slower.

Field: TheYear: Year([Sometable].[SomeDate])
Criteria: [What year? (yyyy)]

Brian Camire

If the values in your date field may contain a time of day component, you
might want to try something like the following variation on John's
=DateSerial([What year? (yyyy)],1,1) And <DateSerial([What year?

Otherwise, you will omit dates on December 31 that are after midnight.

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