Query breaks when adding new restriction

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jon
  • Start date Start date


I have a problem with a query that I'm hoping the group can help me
solve. I have a report that is mildly complex which draws on the result
of three queries, each one feeding it's answers into the next one. It
all works fine except when I go to add the crowning item... it all
falls apart. Here's what I have, along with what i'm trying to get it
to do at each step:

The first query is called qryCatCalc. Here's the original SQL:

SELECT tblFootage.[Category #], tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM tblFootage, tblPurchasesSince200311
WHERE (((tblPurchasesSince200311.sqfpm) Between
[tblFootage].[FootageFrom] And [tblFootage].[FootageTo]));

What it's does is breaks the Footage value for each order down into
several different categories by footage (e.g., 0 to 4000 is category 0,
4000 to 5000 is cat 1, etc.). I run it and the result looks like this:

Category # purchase_id
2 300025
2 300034
5 300035

So far so good. The next query is qryOrderFrequency:

SELECT tblECTList.[ECT group], QryCatCalc.[Category #],
FROM QryCatCalc INNER JOIN (tblBoardCutToOrder INNER JOIN tblECTList ON
tblBoardCutToOrder.material_dsc = tblECTList.[Flute entry]) ON
QryCatCalc.purchase_id = tblBoardCutToOrder.purchase_id;

What's happening here is that it's now figuring out what ECT group each
purchase order belongs in based on the board. For instance, the values
200# C, 32A and 32C Oyster all belong to the same ECT group, which is
32. Once it derives that, it adds the previously gotten Category info.
The results look like this:

ECT group Category # purchase_id
32 5 306762
32 3 306763
32 7 306764

The last query is qryOrderFrequency_Crosstab:

TRANSFORM Count(qryOrderFrequency.purchase_id) AS CountOfpurchase_id
SELECT qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group],
Count(qryOrderFrequency.purchase_id) AS [Total Of purchase_id]
FROM qryOrderFrequency
WHERE (((qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group])<>"other"))
GROUP BY qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group]
PIVOT qryOrderFrequency.[Category #];

What this tells me is for each ECT group, how many orders fell into
each category. The results that come back are perfect. Now what I want
to do is to filter for a specific month for a specific year. So I
modified qryCatCalc to read as follow:

SELECT tblFootage.[Category #], tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM tblFootage, tblPurchasesSince200311
WHERE (((tblPurchasesSince200311.sqfpm) Between
[tblFootage].[FootageFrom] And [tblFootage].[FootageTo]) AND

The first queries (qryCatCalc and qryOrderFrequency) both work fine,
bringing back only the results for that specific month. But when I run
the capping query (qryOrderFrequency_Crosstab), I get the following
error message:

The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize
'Forms!frmReportGeneration!txtStartMonth' as a valid field name or

Which completely baffles me as the two queries that feed into the final
query work perfectly. What's happening here and how can I get the query
to work?

I wonder if you might need to explicitly declare the parameters in order for
the crosstab to work properly...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Jon said:
I have a problem with a query that I'm hoping the group can help me
solve. I have a report that is mildly complex which draws on the result
of three queries, each one feeding it's answers into the next one. It
all works fine except when I go to add the crowning item... it all
falls apart. Here's what I have, along with what i'm trying to get it
to do at each step:

The first query is called qryCatCalc. Here's the original SQL:

SELECT tblFootage.[Category #], tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM tblFootage, tblPurchasesSince200311
WHERE (((tblPurchasesSince200311.sqfpm) Between
[tblFootage].[FootageFrom] And [tblFootage].[FootageTo]));

What it's does is breaks the Footage value for each order down into
several different categories by footage (e.g., 0 to 4000 is category 0,
4000 to 5000 is cat 1, etc.). I run it and the result looks like this:

Category # purchase_id
2 300025
2 300034
5 300035

So far so good. The next query is qryOrderFrequency:

SELECT tblECTList.[ECT group], QryCatCalc.[Category #],
FROM QryCatCalc INNER JOIN (tblBoardCutToOrder INNER JOIN tblECTList ON
tblBoardCutToOrder.material_dsc = tblECTList.[Flute entry]) ON
QryCatCalc.purchase_id = tblBoardCutToOrder.purchase_id;

What's happening here is that it's now figuring out what ECT group each
purchase order belongs in based on the board. For instance, the values
200# C, 32A and 32C Oyster all belong to the same ECT group, which is
32. Once it derives that, it adds the previously gotten Category info.
The results look like this:

ECT group Category # purchase_id
32 5 306762
32 3 306763
32 7 306764

The last query is qryOrderFrequency_Crosstab:

TRANSFORM Count(qryOrderFrequency.purchase_id) AS CountOfpurchase_id
SELECT qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group],
Count(qryOrderFrequency.purchase_id) AS [Total Of purchase_id]
FROM qryOrderFrequency
WHERE (((qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group])<>"other"))
GROUP BY qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group]
PIVOT qryOrderFrequency.[Category #];

What this tells me is for each ECT group, how many orders fell into
each category. The results that come back are perfect. Now what I want
to do is to filter for a specific month for a specific year. So I
modified qryCatCalc to read as follow:

SELECT tblFootage.[Category #], tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM tblFootage, tblPurchasesSince200311
WHERE (((tblPurchasesSince200311.sqfpm) Between
[tblFootage].[FootageFrom] And [tblFootage].[FootageTo]) AND

The first queries (qryCatCalc and qryOrderFrequency) both work fine,
bringing back only the results for that specific month. But when I run
the capping query (qryOrderFrequency_Crosstab), I get the following
error message:

The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize
'Forms!frmReportGeneration!txtStartMonth' as a valid field name or

Which completely baffles me as the two queries that feed into the final
query work perfectly. What's happening here and how can I get the query
to work?

Did you check out my post ("Crosstab query will work one way but not the other" posted today (6-23-2006) at 1:33 pm)?

I'm having almost the exact same problem, and I don't have any parameters.

I would really like to find an answer to this problem.

Thnak for all of your help,

Conan Kelly

Jeff Boyce said:

I wonder if you might need to explicitly declare the parameters in order for the crosstab to work properly...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Jon said:
I have a problem with a query that I'm hoping the group can help me
solve. I have a report that is mildly complex which draws on the result
of three queries, each one feeding it's answers into the next one. It
all works fine except when I go to add the crowning item... it all
falls apart. Here's what I have, along with what i'm trying to get it
to do at each step:

The first query is called qryCatCalc. Here's the original SQL:

SELECT tblFootage.[Category #], tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM tblFootage, tblPurchasesSince200311
WHERE (((tblPurchasesSince200311.sqfpm) Between
[tblFootage].[FootageFrom] And [tblFootage].[FootageTo]));

What it's does is breaks the Footage value for each order down into
several different categories by footage (e.g., 0 to 4000 is category 0,
4000 to 5000 is cat 1, etc.). I run it and the result looks like this:

Category # purchase_id
2 300025
2 300034
5 300035

So far so good. The next query is qryOrderFrequency:

SELECT tblECTList.[ECT group], QryCatCalc.[Category #],
FROM QryCatCalc INNER JOIN (tblBoardCutToOrder INNER JOIN tblECTList ON
tblBoardCutToOrder.material_dsc = tblECTList.[Flute entry]) ON
QryCatCalc.purchase_id = tblBoardCutToOrder.purchase_id;

What's happening here is that it's now figuring out what ECT group each
purchase order belongs in based on the board. For instance, the values
200# C, 32A and 32C Oyster all belong to the same ECT group, which is
32. Once it derives that, it adds the previously gotten Category info.
The results look like this:

ECT group Category # purchase_id
32 5 306762
32 3 306763
32 7 306764

The last query is qryOrderFrequency_Crosstab:

TRANSFORM Count(qryOrderFrequency.purchase_id) AS CountOfpurchase_id
SELECT qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group],
Count(qryOrderFrequency.purchase_id) AS [Total Of purchase_id]
FROM qryOrderFrequency
WHERE (((qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group])<>"other"))
GROUP BY qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group]
PIVOT qryOrderFrequency.[Category #];

What this tells me is for each ECT group, how many orders fell into
each category. The results that come back are perfect. Now what I want
to do is to filter for a specific month for a specific year. So I
modified qryCatCalc to read as follow:

SELECT tblFootage.[Category #], tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM tblFootage, tblPurchasesSince200311
WHERE (((tblPurchasesSince200311.sqfpm) Between
[tblFootage].[FootageFrom] And [tblFootage].[FootageTo]) AND

The first queries (qryCatCalc and qryOrderFrequency) both work fine,
bringing back only the results for that specific month. But when I run
the capping query (qryOrderFrequency_Crosstab), I get the following
error message:

The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize
'Forms!frmReportGeneration!txtStartMonth' as a valid field name or

Which completely baffles me as the two queries that feed into the final
query work perfectly. What's happening here and how can I get the query
to work?
First thing, with a crosstab query you MUST declare your parameters and if
other queries are used in the crosstab their parameters must also be

Open the query in design mode
Select Query: Parameters from the Menu
Fill in the EXACT name of the parameter in column 1
Select the data type of the parameter in column 2

Watch out, Access has a nasty habit of adding an extra set of [] around the
entire parameter. You may have to edit those out.

In SQL view, you would end up with something like the following.

Parameters [Forms]![frmReportGeneration]![txtStartMonth], DateTime
, [Forms]![frmReportGeneration]![txtStartYear], DateTime;
SELECT tblFootage.[Category #]
, tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM ...

Jon said:
I have a problem with a query that I'm hoping the group can help me
solve. I have a report that is mildly complex which draws on the result
of three queries, each one feeding it's answers into the next one. It
all works fine except when I go to add the crowning item... it all
falls apart. Here's what I have, along with what i'm trying to get it
to do at each step:

The first query is called qryCatCalc. Here's the original SQL:

SELECT tblFootage.[Category #], tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM tblFootage, tblPurchasesSince200311
WHERE (((tblPurchasesSince200311.sqfpm) Between
[tblFootage].[FootageFrom] And [tblFootage].[FootageTo]));

What it's does is breaks the Footage value for each order down into
several different categories by footage (e.g., 0 to 4000 is category 0,
4000 to 5000 is cat 1, etc.). I run it and the result looks like this:

Category # purchase_id
2 300025
2 300034
5 300035

So far so good. The next query is qryOrderFrequency:

SELECT tblECTList.[ECT group], QryCatCalc.[Category #],
FROM QryCatCalc INNER JOIN (tblBoardCutToOrder INNER JOIN tblECTList ON
tblBoardCutToOrder.material_dsc = tblECTList.[Flute entry]) ON
QryCatCalc.purchase_id = tblBoardCutToOrder.purchase_id;

What's happening here is that it's now figuring out what ECT group each
purchase order belongs in based on the board. For instance, the values
200# C, 32A and 32C Oyster all belong to the same ECT group, which is
32. Once it derives that, it adds the previously gotten Category info.
The results look like this:

ECT group Category # purchase_id
32 5 306762
32 3 306763
32 7 306764

The last query is qryOrderFrequency_Crosstab:

TRANSFORM Count(qryOrderFrequency.purchase_id) AS CountOfpurchase_id
SELECT qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group],
Count(qryOrderFrequency.purchase_id) AS [Total Of purchase_id]
FROM qryOrderFrequency
WHERE (((qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group])<>"other"))
GROUP BY qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group]
PIVOT qryOrderFrequency.[Category #];

What this tells me is for each ECT group, how many orders fell into
each category. The results that come back are perfect. Now what I want
to do is to filter for a specific month for a specific year. So I
modified qryCatCalc to read as follow:

SELECT tblFootage.[Category #], tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM tblFootage, tblPurchasesSince200311
WHERE (((tblPurchasesSince200311.sqfpm) Between
[tblFootage].[FootageFrom] And [tblFootage].[FootageTo]) AND

The first queries (qryCatCalc and qryOrderFrequency) both work fine,
bringing back only the results for that specific month. But when I run
the capping query (qryOrderFrequency_Crosstab), I get the following
error message:

The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize
'Forms!frmReportGeneration!txtStartMonth' as a valid field name or

Which completely baffles me as the two queries that feed into the final
query work perfectly. What's happening here and how can I get the query
to work?
That did it. I had the parameters for txtStartMonth and txtStartYear
set in the original query (qryCatCalc) but not for the crosstab. Once I
added parameters to the crosstab, query now seems to work. Thanks!

John said:
First thing, with a crosstab query you MUST declare your parameters and if
other queries are used in the crosstab their parameters must also be

Open the query in design mode
Select Query: Parameters from the Menu
Fill in the EXACT name of the parameter in column 1
Select the data type of the parameter in column 2

Watch out, Access has a nasty habit of adding an extra set of [] around the
entire parameter. You may have to edit those out.

In SQL view, you would end up with something like the following.

Parameters [Forms]![frmReportGeneration]![txtStartMonth], DateTime
, [Forms]![frmReportGeneration]![txtStartYear], DateTime;
SELECT tblFootage.[Category #]
, tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM ...

Jon said:
I have a problem with a query that I'm hoping the group can help me
solve. I have a report that is mildly complex which draws on the result
of three queries, each one feeding it's answers into the next one. It
all works fine except when I go to add the crowning item... it all
falls apart. Here's what I have, along with what i'm trying to get it
to do at each step:

The first query is called qryCatCalc. Here's the original SQL:

SELECT tblFootage.[Category #], tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM tblFootage, tblPurchasesSince200311
WHERE (((tblPurchasesSince200311.sqfpm) Between
[tblFootage].[FootageFrom] And [tblFootage].[FootageTo]));

What it's does is breaks the Footage value for each order down into
several different categories by footage (e.g., 0 to 4000 is category 0,
4000 to 5000 is cat 1, etc.). I run it and the result looks like this:

Category # purchase_id
2 300025
2 300034
5 300035

So far so good. The next query is qryOrderFrequency:

SELECT tblECTList.[ECT group], QryCatCalc.[Category #],
FROM QryCatCalc INNER JOIN (tblBoardCutToOrder INNER JOIN tblECTList ON
tblBoardCutToOrder.material_dsc = tblECTList.[Flute entry]) ON
QryCatCalc.purchase_id = tblBoardCutToOrder.purchase_id;

What's happening here is that it's now figuring out what ECT group each
purchase order belongs in based on the board. For instance, the values
200# C, 32A and 32C Oyster all belong to the same ECT group, which is
32. Once it derives that, it adds the previously gotten Category info.
The results look like this:

ECT group Category # purchase_id
32 5 306762
32 3 306763
32 7 306764

The last query is qryOrderFrequency_Crosstab:

TRANSFORM Count(qryOrderFrequency.purchase_id) AS CountOfpurchase_id
SELECT qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group],
Count(qryOrderFrequency.purchase_id) AS [Total Of purchase_id]
FROM qryOrderFrequency
WHERE (((qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group])<>"other"))
GROUP BY qryOrderFrequency.[ECT group]
PIVOT qryOrderFrequency.[Category #];

What this tells me is for each ECT group, how many orders fell into
each category. The results that come back are perfect. Now what I want
to do is to filter for a specific month for a specific year. So I
modified qryCatCalc to read as follow:

SELECT tblFootage.[Category #], tblPurchasesSince200311.purchase_id
FROM tblFootage, tblPurchasesSince200311
WHERE (((tblPurchasesSince200311.sqfpm) Between
[tblFootage].[FootageFrom] And [tblFootage].[FootageTo]) AND

The first queries (qryCatCalc and qryOrderFrequency) both work fine,
bringing back only the results for that specific month. But when I run
the capping query (qryOrderFrequency_Crosstab), I get the following
error message:

The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize
'Forms!frmReportGeneration!txtStartMonth' as a valid field name or

Which completely baffles me as the two queries that feed into the final
query work perfectly. What's happening here and how can I get the query
to work?