query all



Hi guys,

I have a combobox "A" that uses whatever I select in cbo "B" as the WHERE
clause of cbo "A"'s query. It works great if I select an item from cbo "A"'s
drop down list, But how can I set it up so if I don't select an item or I add
an "ALL" item, cbo "A" query will select all "B" items?

cbo"B" - Status

cbo "A" - case #

I want to select all cases, regardless of status, but it uses the selection
of cbo "B" in the where clause of CBO "A"'s query

Does this make sense?


Confusing post. You seem to be switching A and B haphazardly.

If you are trying to control the set of values displayed in A based on the
value selected in B, there are a great many posts dealing with this. Try
searching on "cascading combo boxes" at Google or in the MS news groups under
Microsoft Access. Lots of good info available.

Good Luck!

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