Queries or code?




I need to take some data from one table (quiz number and quiz name) and
insert this into another table and then be able to modify that record to
include other data. I also need to be able to repeat this several times so I
can add new records against the same quiz name and quiz number. I'm not sure
if a query can accomplish this as an append query that I created seems to
insert too many records. Any help?

Michel Walsh

If you change your update query to a SELECT query, from the toolbar of the
Query Editor, you will 'see' the records that are to be appended.

You may have the wrong number of records because either you are not enough
restrictive through the WHERE clause (criteria), such as using OR
conjunctions; or because a JOIN is implied and one of the table has an
unexpected duplicated values in its field(s) implied in the ON clause.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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