QTPlayer Tray Icon: qttask.exe - No Disk



I am having trouble with my computer, when rebooting. I get the message:
"QTPlayer Tray Icon: qttask.exe - No Disk

There is no disk in the drive. Please Insert a disk into drive F:."

Drive F is a removable (Smart Media) drive and is not supposed to have
anything in it. This just started happening over the last week, but I can't
remember doing anything that could have caused this error. I have run
chkdsk and it did not help. I also did cleanup and defrag - the usual
maintenance stuff - no success. Any suggestions appreciated. Thank You in

Chris Lanier

qttask.exe is part of QuickTime. Contacting Apple might get you better


This is related to quick time. Either reinstall it, uninstall it, or contact
apple/QuickTime for assistance.


I'll help you.

You need to take it out of the start up with msconfig,
reboot. The next time you start Quick Time it will put it
back in with the right set of perimeters. If it ever
starts with a drive or a card reader on your USB if will
give those errors.


dang, lets just line them up and spank them, how dare them
post a question about a pronlem that does not have MS
stamped all over it.!

Chris Lanier

This is a Microsoft Newsgroup for help with Windows XP, not for help with
third party programs. Anyone may feel free to post about them, but you will
end up gettting better support if you cantact the maker of those programs.

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