Q re Extension Methods


Simon Woods


I have 2 classes which are both instantiated by shared factory methods
and both implement a common interface.

Public Class Factory

Public Shared Function CreateMyClass1() As MyClass1
Return New MyClass1
End Function

Public Shared Function CreateMyClass2() As MyClass2
Return New MyClass2
End Function

End Class

Public Interface IItemContainer
Readonly Property ItemGroups as
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, ItemGroup)
End Interface

Public Class MyClass1
Implements IItemContainer
Private ReadOnly Property ItemGroups() As
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, ItemGroup) _
Implements IItemGroupContainer.ItemGroups
Return m_itemGroups
End Get
End Property
End Class

Public Class MyClass2
Implements IItemContainer
Private ReadOnly Property ItemGroups() As
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, ItemGroup) _
Implements IItemGroupContainer.ItemGroups
Return m_itemGroups
End Get
End Property
End Class

I also have an extension method so as not to duplicate code

<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function ItemCount(ByVal p_container As IItemContainer) As Integer
Return CType((From g In p_container.ItemGroups _
Select g.Value.Count).Sum(), Integer)
End Function

What I'm finding is that one of the classes is not recognising the
extension methods so I'm getting compilation errors for each extension
method call which is made. The other class is behaving correctly.

Any thoughts



Simon Woods


I had the tests in different classes and hadn't included the necessary
imports ...



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