Q: opposite of pop-up? - or - if is open any form except "frmMyForm" then....

  • Thread starter Brainlord Mesomorph
  • Start date

Brainlord Mesomorph

when my app opens I have a couple of boarderless (titlebarless) forms
that open at the top and left of the MDI Area, (actually they look
like they're part of the background)
all the other windows open infront of them

problem. a user can alt-tab to one of these background forms, And it
pops up in front looking like a video error.

is there such a thing as the opposite of the popup property. a window
thats allways *under* all other windows?

if not, i guess I could write an "on got focus" proceedure that would
look for other open forms and send focus to them. so, then I would
need a fast easy way to cycle through all the forms in the mdb, seeing
if any of them are open, except for one, (or two)

I never really got the items and collections thing.

aha tia

Albert D.Kallal

If your users don't in fact need to switch forms, then you can set the form
as 'model' (you find this in the other tab).

if you use the above setting, then users can't swtich out of the form they
are in..but in fact must close it to return to the prevous form. This also
means that you should un-check the setting : 'windows in task bar' (since
users can't switch forms..then having them show in the task bar is a bad

You can read about acDialog forms vs model forms here:


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