Q: how to convert multiple text boxes into a bullet list?


Robert Stevenson

Hello folks,

I've inherited a rather large PowerPoint show which is a bit of a

Every bulleted list has actually been achieved by inserting six text

I now need to apply a new corporate logo which is only visible on a
light background. The problem is the old background was dark and so
the letters were a very light blue. With the new background the text
is almost invisible, slightly looking for a way to replace the font
colour throughout the slideshow.

It looks like no use is made at all of master slides so there's no
apparent way to my novice PowerPoint eye to fix this without a great
deal of pointing clicking. I'm dictating this message with voice
recognition thanks to the delights of RSI, and pointing and clicking
by voice hundreds of times would be rather labourious.

Can anyone suggest a solution either to replace the font colour in
every text box, or to somehow convert what looked like bullet lists
but are really text boxes into real bullet lists?

1000 thanks,

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