Q: Getting values when redirecting to a new page...

  • Thread starter Martin Arvidsson, Visual Systems AB
  • Start date

Martin Arvidsson, Visual Systems AB

Hi newbee quiz!

I have a couple of pages where a user enters information.

At the last page i want to present all data, and let the user confirm it.

I dont want to use a response string that adds upp everytime

Like www.myweb.net/do.aspx?quiz=lsl&ordering=1 etc and when going from the
next page to the other add upp the request string. (Or what it's called)

Should i create a class and store all the data, or is there another, smart

I have 4 pages of data to be entered before the confirmation page.


Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

The simple way is to include in Session. I am not fond of this idea. Version
#2 (more fond of) is to use Panels rather than multiple pages (or a
Multi-View). From the user's perspective, it appears to be multiple pages,
but it is not, so all values are stored in the page as the user bounces from
view to view. With AJAX, you can do this all in a single hit.

You can also pull the informaton forward on a page by page basis, and keep
storing in the new page.

Gregory A. Beamer

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