q: design a web and databse



I am not experienced in designing database and building
web application. However my manager want me to search
this: I need to develop a web interface and database for
a dental clinic. Is there an site that tell me database
design specific to dental clinic.

I am thinking that my database entities are patient table
and ledger table. Should I consider any other table?

Also, in the web interface, I need to give ability select
patient, charge to patient and delete charges and print
receipt. Any idea, which components should I use during
my web design?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Eliyahu Goldin


I am afraid this is not what you want to hear. I am involved in writing web
applications for health industry. A proper application for a dental clinic
would include hundreds of tables, stored procedures, and may be the same
number of web pages. Think about patient demographics, tens of medical
pages, appointments, encounters, prescriptions, labs, insurance.


John Timney \(ASP.NET MVP\)

Eliyuha is right, you need a booking system with extras. Its not a good
idea to look at writing this from scratch without the correct experience
unless your boss is prepared for it to take a long time, and to start off
without many of the features you would expect in this type of system.

Take a look at something like this to get an idea of the kind of thing you
actually need to produce.


For 40 or so bukcs it could save you a lot of work..


John Timney
Microsoft Regional Director

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