Q: DataSet




I have a question which has occurred to me. I have been writing new records
to a table in a database. To do this, I have created a dataset (ADO.NET), by
attaching a dataadptor to the table and then using
MyDataAdaptor.Fill(MyDataSet, "TableName").

This is all well and good. The dataset is then a copy of the database table
and I can add rows to it and then at the end do an update and the new
records in the dataset are transferred to the table in the database.

However, what if I only want to add rows to the table. As far as I can see
there is no point in using the Fill to load all the data in the table to the
dataset. Is there a way to create the dataset table, which I can add rows
to, without first populating it with rows from the database?

Thanks in advance


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