Q&A Macro



Is a macro capable of doing these things?

Sheet 1, each cell in the range B4:B54 will contain one question, thus
altogether I have 50 questions. I would like to create a macro that when I
run it, a message box will appear.

The message box will randomly ask me each question from the range B4:B54
either 12, 16, or 24 times in a row/consecutively before moving to the next
question. I would also like the message box to contain a field big enough
for me to answer the question inside of each time it is asked.

After I type my response and press enter, I would like a new worksheet to be
created. In the new worksheet I would like the question that was asked to go
into C2 and a record of every answer I gave to go into the new worksheet
starting in C4 and going down to C16, C20, or C28 depending on how many times
I answered the question in a row/consecutively whether it was 12, 16, or 24
times. Finally I would like to have a way that I can exit the Macro but not
loose the data that has already been gathered.

Bob Bridges

Yes, a macro can be written to do this. It doesn't even sound very
complicated, actually. Let me rephrase to be sure I understand it correctly:
You have a spreadsheet that starts with one worksheet, which has a list of
questions on it. Your macro is to run down the list and do the following for
each question:

1) Create a new worksheet for that question, and copy the question to that
2) Select the number 12, 16 or 24.
3) That many times, pose the question to the user and get his answer. Write
each answer on the worksheet that was created for that question.

At any point, the user should be able to hit a button that causes the logic
to stop at that point, without losing any of the data entered so far, and
when restarted later to take up the process at that point.

Yes, this isn't too hard. Do you need hints on how to write it? How much
VBA do you know already?


Yes, you hit the nail on the head. The only thing I would add is that the
questions from the list I also want them to be asked randomly. Sometimes the
10th question will be asked 1st or the 2nd question 5th and so on. I am glad
to here its not that hard, I thought it might be complicated. Yes i need
lots of hints on how to write it. I don't know that much VBA.

On a side note, do you have any recommendations of how I could become more
fluent in VBA? Perhaps you know of websites, software, books or other
training tools yourself or others have used that have proven to be effective
and efficient for those aiming to become more fluent with VBA?

Bob Bridges

I can walk you through the program a bit at a time - I'm a teacher
at heart, and don't mind taking the time to get you up to speed -
but I suggest we switch to email to do it. You can write me at the
email address attached to my profile. Just click on my name at the
head of this post (where it says "By: Bob Bridges"); then find my
email address at the top, modify it as directed (it's not EXACTLY
my email address, because of spammers) and send me a note.
We'll get started from there.

"Not much VBA" isn't a problem, but what about other languages?
I mean, am I starting you on programming from the very beginning,
or have you coded in other languages and just need to apply the
same basic principles to VBA? How fast we go will depend on your
experience; if you're an experienced PL/1 or REXX coder, for
example, we'll move into VBA in a different way and at a different
speed than if you've written in Java, or not at all.


Thank you, that is very kind of you.

Bob Bridges said:
I can walk you through the program a bit at a time - I'm a teacher
at heart, and don't mind taking the time to get you up to speed -
but I suggest we switch to email to do it. You can write me at the
email address attached to my profile. Just click on my name at the
head of this post (where it says "By: Bob Bridges"); then find my
email address at the top, modify it as directed (it's not EXACTLY
my email address, because of spammers) and send me a note.
We'll get started from there.

"Not much VBA" isn't a problem, but what about other languages?
I mean, am I starting you on programming from the very beginning,
or have you coded in other languages and just need to apply the
same basic principles to VBA? How fast we go will depend on your
experience; if you're an experienced PL/1 or REXX coder, for
example, we'll move into VBA in a different way and at a different
speed than if you've written in Java, or not at all.

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