Puzzling Publishing Error


AA Smith

I was publishing a revised version of my entire web site, which had
progressed to the point of processing web updates with the progress bar at
or very near 100% when an error message popped up, stating that the
publishing job could not rename: "lakewd99.wmv.tmp". I have searched my
entire web folder and all of its sub-folders, but I have found no file named

What would cause such an error?

Moreover, how can I get around that problem and get my web published?


you might be approaching the web-size limit of your hosting package...check your websize and/or ask your host if your getting close.

AA Smith

Thanks, again, Rob!

Actually, if anything, I have reduced the size of my web significantly just
before this publishing attempt. I'll check with my web host.

I do appreciate your feedback.
With kindest regards,

Dick Smith
message you might be approaching the web-size limit of your hosting package...check
your websize and/or ask your host if your getting close.


that file may have been to big...or you may have moved it into your web with Windows Explorer..it's a temp file obviously.

AA Smith

Ok, thanks, again, Rob!
With kindest regards,

Dick Smith
message that file may have been to big...or you may have moved it into your web with
Windows Explorer..it's a temp file obviously.

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