Purchasing .NET 2003 Enterprise Developer


Dinesh Priyankara

Hi all,

Hope you all can answer this question easily.

I am going to purchase the .NET 2003 Enterprise Developer edition. As per MS
shop, this is about US$ 1,799.00.
What I want to know is whether the price is for one user(developer) or not?
In other way, if 10 developers are going to use this, do I need to buy 10
items (10*1,7999)?

Highly appreciate all your reply.

Dinesh Priyankara

Thomas Tomicek [MVP]

Natually the price is per user.

What do you think? That MS is giving this away for free? Read the licensing
agreement. It is very clear.

BUT: whoever ubuys 10 licenses for the single user price should be fired.

* You qualify for volume licensing.
* You should become a MCP (Microsoft Certified Partner) or use the Empower
program. Bot hgive you 5 licenses PLUS a Universal Sibscription for way less
money ($1800 MCP, $800 Empower, about, it is a little less, but I like to
round up).

THIS is much better. NOONE should ever buy the Enterprise Developer Edition
stand alone - he either does not need it (a single enterprise developer?) or
should belong to a partner company OR at least use volume licensing.

Thomas Tomiczek
THONA Software & Consulting Ltd.
(Microsoft MVP C#/.NET)


Natually the price is per user.
What do you think? That MS is giving this away for free? Read the licensing
agreement. It is very clear.

BUT: whoever ubuys 10 licenses for the single user price should be fired.

* You qualify for volume licensing.
* You should become a MCP (Microsoft Certified Partner) or use the Empower
program. Bot hgive you 5 licenses PLUS a Universal Sibscription for way less
money ($1800 MCP, $800 Empower, about, it is a little less, but I like to
round up).

THIS is much better. NOONE should ever buy the Enterprise Developer Edition
stand alone - he either does not need it (a single enterprise developer?) or
should belong to a partner company OR at least use volume licensing.

If an organisation joins MCP/Empower programs, are those five licenses a
fully qualified licenses.
They can develop applications and sell them (no strings to non-commercial
develop only)?
Can do consulting services and develop solutions for customers?

Thomas Tomicek [MVP]

X_AWemner_X said:

If an organisation joins MCP/Empower programs, are those five licenses a
fully qualified licenses.

It is my deepest understanding that every developer should bee able to READ
some web pages and understand them.

You got your hints. Now look it up on the website. It is not that hard to
find. I am not here to hold your hands like a mother, but to help you. I
told you where to get the information. Go there and read it. Show some
respect to information by trying to understand it.


Thomas Tomiczek
THONA Software & Consulting Ltd.
(Microsoft MVP C#/.NET)

Joe Camel


What purpose does this news group serve, if it is not to mostly to help us
to to get from A to Z, as fast as possible, with as little effort as
possible, hand holding an all ?

Haven't you noticed that the world has been speeding up such that it does
not afford us the time to be gathering information the old (teletype) way.


Thomas Tomicek [MVP]

Joe Camel said:

What purpose does this news group serve, if it is not to mostly to help us
to to get from A to Z, as fast as possible, with as little effort as
possible, hand holding an all ?

Getting information, not making YOUR thinking.
Haven't you noticed that the world has been speeding up such that it does
not afford us the time to be gathering information the old (teletype) way.

I have noticed that 95% of the developers out there are incomeent and a
growing percentage is unable to use their own brain to read the
documentation. As a result, a lot are frustrated when jobs are better
handled in india.

Maybe this is an coincidence?

Especiall as most incompetent people shy documentation and most competent
people felel comfortable digesting written information themselves, I dare
saying tha tthere IS a coincidence.

I am considered to be very good at my job. This COULD be result of me being
old fashioned and trying to understand what I do? I prefer to help people to
help themselves. I told where the info is, and what info is around (like the
empower program - hard to find). How is he supposed to KNOW the limits if
the reader is too arrogant to read it up?

Read up between the lines: the op wants cheacp licenses to actually work in
consulting. Makes another consultant not having a clue about what he does,
doesn't it? If I would good money for a consultant, I expect him to at least
be able to read the documentation for his tools, including license
dewscriptions. Actually I expect him to be competent in his knowledge, too.


Thomas Tomiczek
THONA Software & Consulting Ltd.
(Microsoft MVP C#/.NET)

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