Pulling only first name



I need to pull the first names and first initial of last name into a cell. In
cell g I have the first and last name (john doe). I need cell c to look at
cell g nad return only john d.

Ron Rosenfeld

I need to pull the first names and first initial of last name into a cell. In
cell g I have the first and last name (john doe). I need cell c to look at
cell g nad return only john d.

Assuming the format is like what you show, then:

=LEFT(TRIM(G1),FIND(" ",TRIM(G1)))&MID(TRIM(G1),FIND(" ",TRIM(G1))+1,1)


Tom Hutchins

If some of the names have middle initials (ie, John Q. Doe), this formula
will work (works without the middle initial also):

",G1)+1,1), MID(G1,SEARCH(".",G1)+2,1))

Hope this helps,


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