Pulling in data from another source



Hopefully someone can help with this one.

Each week our department generates pivot reports and the naming convention
includes the date the report is generated. For example, REPORT A will have
52 reports by the end of the year - one for each week in the year.

In the reports (above the pivot component), data from another source is
pulled in ... stuff that can't be included in the pivot source... such as
headering info, dates, comments etc. I will this source "Extra A". An
example of pulling in info is like this: ='M:\'Extra A'!$C$6

The data in "Extra A" changes each week and is only specific to that week's

The issue that was just recently discovered is totally throwing me for a
loop and I don't know how to get around it.

Each time anyone opens a report the links pop-up window appears (to update
the links or not).

If I open up a report from 2 weeks ago, I don't want to update the links
(because the report needs to remain static and NOT be refreshed with this
weeks info), plus I also opened up a report from 4 weeks ago and DIDN'T
update the links (I wanted to compare the reports)... and lo and behold the
report from 2 weeks changed to be the same as the report from 4 weeks ago.

I didn't have the source open, but somehow the report I opened up last,
changed the data in the earlier report??? I tried this out numerous times
with the same results.

How can this happen? And how can I get around it?

The older reports are for historical purposes - but they change if mulitple
reports are open.


this is a fairly common problem.
If you want a full copy of the pivot table to remain static, you can copy
the pivot table and paste it in a new sheet, first as regular paste (to get
format)and then as values to hard copy data.
Let this be your historical file for that date. and just let the pivot table
reflect current data only
this will also reduce the size of the file


Unfortunately, we have ALOT of reports (approx 50) that are produced each
week... and to copy them would be horrendous.

Any other ideas?

Do you know why the links even get updated? I thought they would only get
updated when either a) the links were updated on purpose or b) the master
source and the reports were open at the same time (which seems to be
automatic whether you want this to happen or not).


With that number of reports, you would be best off to use the Macro recorder
to record the steps taken to copy & paste the pivot table, then turn the
recorded steps into a generic, re-usable macro


The other thought would be to save all your data - week after week - in a
database. SQL Server 2005 Express is a free and powerful database perfect for
such an effort. Then create your Pivot table reports on the fly using
queries to extract the data you need for whatever time period is appropriate.


some equations will update when the other file is not open. other equations
will up date only whan the file is open

uyou can play with the <edit><links> section to say which lnks you want to
automatically update.
I have not played with this one enough to give any hints, but you might be
able to set up a macro to not update any links and another ot update links
when you want to.


I didn't realize you could control the links.

I tried to Edit the links, but for some reason I can't select manual (it's
greyed out)? The update is set to "automatic". How can I get this to



Hi, thanks for the ideas.... however I can't use the macro to copy/paste
reports as the managers need the drill down capability of the pivot reports.

I'll have to research your other idea.. but not sure if that will get me
around the "links" problem (which is totally separate from the data used for
pivot reporting).



I get the feeling you have a shared document and I think you need to unshare
the document before you can use the links control. From looking at help I
think if you reshare, what you set will stay. I am not real familiar with
link controls so do not know if this will work


The database concept is especially applicable here. Not only do you keep the
data underlying the pivot table in the database, you can also put the
additional information into a different database table, keyed on week and
report type. When somebody wants to run Report A for 6 weeks ago, the
database queries pull in both the pivot table data AND the header info and
other related data.

Far easier than maintaining weekly versions of 50 different reports.


Nope, not sharing.. but I appreciate you trying.

I looked up some info on websites regarding my situation have discovered
this is a known issue ...(where multiple workbooks are open and settings get
automatically overridden). Even VB coding can't get around it.

I will try researching Duke's suggestion as well.

Thanks for your help.

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