pulling data automatically from one spreadsheet to another



for simplicity, say I have the following in one spreadsheet in a

first last weight
j red 65
t blue 35
k smith 280

this spreadsheet will be constantly updated w/new entries.

I am needing to figure a way for someone who has no idea how to use
excel to be able to open the spreadsheet and be able to print out a
list of first, last and weight for everyone under 40 lbs,
a a second list for everyone 41-65 lbs, and a third to do >60

first thought was to filter but I think it needs to be simpler than
that. second though was to have separate sheets that continuously
look at the bsae sheet and adust so that the user can just go to the
"under 40" sheet and print out everyone in that weight group today.

can anyone suggest something that is simple cuz I am pretty new.



One way would be to use a drop-down data-validation list on the sheet to let
them choose the various ranges from. Then worksheet _Change() event code
would deal with hiding/unhiding the appropriate rows.

This workbook has it all set up for an example, and the code should be easy
for you to change to work the way you want it to. I've defined things you
might have to change such as the column that the weights are recorded in and
the cell address for the data-validation list are easily re-defined to fit
your real-world situation.

File is 1MB due mostly to the fact that I included graphics to help you see
how it was all set up, and it's 97-2003 compatible (which means 2007 should
be able to read it also).

http://www.jlathamsite.com/uploads/WeightFiltering.xls will get it to you.

There are other ways to do pretty much the same thing: click a button on the
sheet to bring up a userform that does what the _Change() event does here.
This seems the simpler of those two methods.


you all are fantastic!!! got it!! thanks!!

One way would be to use a drop-down data-validation list on the sheet to let
them choose the various ranges from. Then worksheet _Change() event code
would deal with hiding/unhiding the appropriate rows.

This workbook has it all set up for an example, and the code should be easy
for you to change to work the way you want it to. I've defined things you
might have to change such as the column that the weights are recorded in and
the cell address for the data-validation list are easily re-defined to fit
your real-world situation.

File is 1MB due mostly to the fact that I included graphics to help you see
how it was all set up, and it's 97-2003 compatible (which means 2007 should
be able to read it also).

http://www.jlathamsite.com/uploads/WeightFiltering.xlswill get it to you.

There are other ways to do pretty much the same thing: click a button on the
sheet to bring up a userform that does what the _Change() event does here.
This seems the simpler of those two methods.

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