

David Hamer

I use MS FP98 for maintaining two web sites.

On site #1 when I select File|Publish FrontPage Web a 'Publish' window
appears. Upon selecting the target site the 'MS Web Publishing Wizard'
I enter User Name and Password, the FTP is verified and away go the
files in very short order.

On site #2, after the 'Publish' widow is used to select the appropriate
target I get a
box titled 'Name and Password Required', no sign of the 'Publishing
Wizard' and
the whole process is much slower.

Can anyone advise me as to how to get #2 to follow the same process as

David Hamer

Thomas A. Rowe

It sound as it site #1 doesn't have the FP extension so it is using the WPW
to publish via FTP on site #2 is sound like it does have the FP extensions
so it is publishing via http, which is slower since FP is comparing the
content between the two location.

By having the FP extensions and publishing via http, you can then use the
various FP run-time component, plus you can actual work on the live site
directly from within FP.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Andrew Murray

David Hamer said:
I use MS FP98 for maintaining two web sites.

On site #1 when I select File|Publish FrontPage Web a 'Publish' window
appears. Upon selecting the target site the 'MS Web Publishing Wizard'
I enter User Name and Password, the FTP is verified and away go the
files in very short order.

On site #2, after the 'Publish' widow is used to select the appropriate
target I get a
box titled 'Name and Password Required', no sign of the 'Publishing
Wizard' and
the whole process is much slower.

Can anyone advise me as to how to get #2 to follow the same process as

David Hamer

David Hamer (e-mail address removed)

are you publishing to two different ISP's? this may be a factor - in that they
may have different systems etc affecting the performance of the upload, or else
it might depend on what you're uploading (large image files for
example)....larger files obviously will take longer......

Note these are only suggestions......

David Hamer

Thomas...thank you. I checked and you are correct - #1 does indeed have the FP
extensions installed - #2 does not. Problem is I prefer the faster upload of
there anyway that I can force the use of WPW when the target site has the FP
extensions installed..?



Thomas A. Rowe

Have the FP extensions removed from the site.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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