publishing web to my computer?



I made a website and published with fp2000 ... I
upgraded to fp 2003 pro ..everything working fine..was able to publish etc.
about 2 months ago I had computer trouble and the computer place I took this
computer to lost my web and several other important things (I should have had
backups on cd but didn't)

in frontpage 2003 pro when I want to rebuild the wesite from scratch
(originally used expedition template) when I click on the style it has no
preview and when I click to select expedition it is just clear with no
background color or anything (just white)
I downloaded jimco Open Web and opened fp2003 and clicked
file..then open with jimco and it wouldn't do it

is there a possability that something could be ammiss on the servers end?

anone have a suggestion?

David Berry

Can you open the live site in FrontPage? (File, Open Site, ? If so, open the site and then chose File,
Publish Site and publish it to a folder on your hard drive, ex: C:\MyWeb OR,
if you're running Windows XP Pro and have IIS installed, publish it to

The you can open the site locally, work on it and publish your changes to
the live site

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