Publish web



I am using the frontpage extensions to upload a website in preference to an
FTP program. When I publish web it comes up with the wrong files to upload
and I do not know how to change the file name to upload to my web address,
can anyone please help.

Chuck Davis

Choose Publish from the File drop down menu. Enter your URL in the remote
address. Enter your username and password when asked. If you don't want some
files Published, right click on the file name and choose Don't publish.

Thomas A. Rowe

I think what you are saying is that after you have published your web site that home page is not
named as required by your web server. This is a problem with uploading to a server that doesn't have
the FP extensions, which would automatically rename the home page as required by the remote server.
When working with a server that doesn't have the FP extensions or using FTP, you have to name /
rename your home page to what is required by the remote server in your local copy, and then publish.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Yes Rick I did, it quotes, publish to a file, web and other assortments of
info but I am unable to find where you can change it where "publish web from"
file. As I work on 3 web sites it comes up in the left side pane the same one
file to upload all the time no matter which web address you are uploading to.

Rick Budde said:
Perhaps a silly question:

Have you consulted Front Page Help "publish"?

Thomas A. Rowe

The web that you have currently open, is the web that you can publish, just use File Menu | Publish
Web / Site and enter the URL.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

chinaplate said:
Yes Rick I did, it quotes, publish to a file, web and other assortments of
info but I am unable to find where you can change it where "publish web from"
file. As I work on 3 web sites it comes up in the left side pane the same one
file to upload all the time no matter which web address you are uploading to.


I finally found the answer and I hope this helps others if they encounter the
same problem. Ensure each web site that you publish is kept in the My Web
file, as separate names of course, as My Web is associated with other files
that are required to upload webs, i.e.: _private, _vti_cnf, _vti_pvt. Without
your webs being kept in this folder then extensions will not upload. Also if
when setting up the original website, if you used an FTP program and request
your server to enable extensions, then this often can corrupt your web and
you have to have your site reformated which means the site has to be reloaded
from scratch then uploaded with extensions. Once you use extensions then you
can not use another FTP program to upload, my problems are all fixed now.

chinaplate said:
Yes Rick I did, it quotes, publish to a file, web and other assortments of
info but I am unable to find where you can change it where "publish web from"
file. As I work on 3 web sites it comes up in the left side pane the same one
file to upload all the time no matter which web address you are uploading to.

Andrew Murray

Set a remote Web site location
1.. On the View menu, click Remote Web site.
2.. At the top of the document window, click Remote Web Site Properties.
3.. Under Remote Web server type, click the type of Web server that you
want to publish your Web site to.
4.. By the Remote Web site location box, click Browse.
5.. Locate and click the remote Web site location that you want, and then
click Open

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