Protecting IL Without Obfuscating


Craig St. Jean

Is there any way of keeping my code from people without
obfuscating my code? The IL Assembler used to have
a /owner switch which would do unless someone knew the
name you put for owner, however it was removed. I
understand that the IL assembly must be there for the CLR,
however through moving and changing code is there any
better way to protect my code?


The dotfuscator supplied (the free community edition) with vs2003 is

Having test it, it has little to be desired.

Craig St. Jean

Yes I know thats why I said other than obfuscating. I
using '[assembly:StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute
(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, PublicKey=...' however I
can't figure out how to sign with a private key, so I
can't run and I can still ildasm.

Craig St. Jean

Thank you but being a hobbyist/student developer I have no
way of affording Salamander's Protector.

Michael Lang

Thank you but being a hobbyist/student developer I have no
way of affording Salamander's Protector.

You aren't going to sell your software? Or not enough copies to pay for
your development tools?

If you aren't distributing your code, then why do you need to protect your

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