
Please help!
Column A is Item Code, Column B is Item Description, Column C is Price. I
have a VLOOKUP function (which works wonders) that returns the Description in
Column B and price in C after entering an Item Code into A. Problem:
sometimes I need to enter in a code which does not exist in my database, then
I enter in the description etc, the problem arises when I want to delete this
miscellaneous entry - I want my original VLOOKUP formula to come back into
existance in the description and price column. How do I do this? Do I need
to use VBA/VBE? Also, what happens when I want to modify the value that the
VLOOKUP returned? eg I enter Item Code "123-ght", Description returns "White
Cup with duck print", and I want to add to the description to make "White Cup
with duck print (blue)"??? Using Excel 200


Hi Blade,

When you come across a code that is not in your database, go into your
database and add it there. That is the right place for your information.
If you don't like to see it in your database, you can create a column in
your database saying either "normal code" or "miscellaneous". You can filter
(or query) on that column so that you don't have to see the "miscellaneous"

Then the VLOOKUP formula will always work.

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